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The International Science and Evidence based Education Assessment (finished)

  • Period: January 2020 - Summer 2021
  • Status: finished

The overall goal of the International Science and Evidence based Education Assessment (ISEEA) is to pool the expertise on educational systems and reforms from a range of stakeholders from around the world  in an open and inclusive manner and undertake a scientifically robust and evidence-based assessment that can inform education policymaking at all levels and scales. 


Working Group 1 (Human flourishing and education) lead by UNESCO Mahatma Ghandhi Institute of Education for Peace provides the definitions and frameworks for the ISEEA.  The first chapter explicates meanings of education and of flourishing as the purpose and aim of education.


Main authors of chapter 1 of the report of Working Group 1:

  • Prof. Doret de Ruyter (University of Humanistic Studies)
  • Prof. Lindsay Oades (University of Melbourne) 
  • Prof. Yusef Waghid (Stellenbosch University)


The UNESCO project is lead by the Mahatma Ghandhi Institute of Education for Peace in Delhi, India. Around 60 scientists from around the world currently participate in the project. View the partners.



Also see

The International Science and Evidence based Education (ISEE) Assessment.
Nieuws over de eerste Research Letter, met download


Prof. Doret de Ruyter,

The overall goal of the ISEE Assessment is to pool the expertise on educational systems and reforms from a range of stakeholders from around the world.