Back with a mission: reconsidering return trips from a relational perspective
Interdisciplinair onderzoeksproject dat bestudeert of en hoe terugkeerreizen naar missiegebieden oorlogsveteranen, hun partners en burgers helpen om betekenis te geven aan oorlogservaringen.
Dialogics of Justice: Assessing Recognition as a Process of Resonance
Nicole Immler received a Vici grant from NWO for her research proposal on ‘The Dialogics of Justice’, an investigation into (legal)) reparation practices after human rights violations: when do people feel recognized?
Inter-Generational Holocaust Research – Trauma & Resilience from an Existential Perspective
This research is based upon an interview collection that contains three generation interviews with members of the Dutch Jewish community about the legacy of the Holocaust in their family in terms of trauma, resilience, and meaning in life.
Narrated (In)Justice: Compensation Policies and Trans-Generational Narratives of (In)Justice (afgerond)
This research project in collaboration with NIOD explores compensation payments to (Jewish) victims of World War II in the Netherlands and how the policies of the late 1990s became a reference-point for present claims from post-colonial groups.
Going back with a mission - pilot (afgerond)
Interdisciplinair onderzoek naar de impact en betekenis van terugkeerreizen op veteranen naar voormalig Joegoslavië, in samenwerking met LUMC University of Leiden en het Ministerie van Defensie (Veteraneninstituut).