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Burgerschap en humanisering van de publieke sector

Healing the soul of the nation (afgerond)

  • Period: November 2018 - November 2019
  • Status: completed

Research into opening social spaces to address intergenerational legacies of mass violence as a contribution to psychosocial wellbeing and peaceful inclusive communities in Indonesia and beyond.  The University of Humanistic Studies and the Amsterdam Institute for Social Science Research have received the ANGIN grant to develop together with Indonesian partners research on inter-generational legacies of violence and community based peace building.  Research period: November 2018 - November 2019.


Legacies of past mass violence affect the quality of family and community life among Indonesians living in Indonesia, but also those living in exile in the Netherlands today. How does experienced violence put stigma on people? How to deal with these injuries and injustices? Via community-based sociotherapy, aiming at breaking intergenerational transmission of trauma and violence? Via court cases on human rights violations, aiming at recognition, apologies and compensation? What are effective approaches to strengthen a resilient society given the specific contexts of Indonesia and exiled Indonesians? `

How nationalistic narratives create stigmas is a current and urgent theme, and not just in Indonesia but also in Europe. This project explores how the legacy of a violent past lays a burden on the shoulders of individuals, families and communities, strategies for the relief of that burden, and possible approaches for interdisciplinary research.


  • Prof. Brian Burgoon (Amsterdam Institute for Social Science Research (AISSR), University of Amsterdam)
  • Dr. Nicole Immler (University of Humanistic Studies)
  • Prof. Annemiek Richters, AISSR, University of Amsterdam. 
  • Prof. Saskia E. Wieringa, AISSR, University of Amsterdam. 
    Indonesian Partners:
    • Prof. Irwanto Irwanto, Faculty of Psychology, Atma Jaya Catholic University Indonesia (AJCUI), Jakarta.
    • Dr. Sri Wahyuningrum, University of Pembangunan Nasional Veteran Jakarta (UPNVJ).
    • Dr. Stefani H.S. Nugroho (AJCUI).
    • Dr. Yohana Ratrin Hestyanti (AJCUI).


    Amsterdam Institute for Social Science Research (AISSR), University of Amsterdam; Faculty of Psychology, Atma Jaya Catholic University Indonesia (AJCUI), Jakarta; University of Pembangunan Nasional Veteran, Jakarta.
    ARQ - Centre of Excellence on War, Persecution and Violence.

    Financed by

    Anticipation Grant Indonesia-The Netherlands (ANGIN) of KNAW  - Royal Dutch Academy of Science.


    Network-building, workshops, trainings, joint research-applications in the making.

    See also

    Workshop Violence, Stigma, Trauma & Resilience.


    Dr. Nicole Immler (

    Opening social spaces to address intergenerational legacies of mass violence as a contribution to psychosocial wellbeing and peaceful inclusive communities in Indonesia and beyond.