dr. mr. Susanne v.den Hooff
universitair docent/onderzoeker
dr. mr.
Leerstoel Zorgethiek
I am a qualitative social scientist with a PhD in Care Ethics and a master’s degree in Psychology and Health Law.
My focus is on qualitative, interdisciplinary research, and education. I investigate cases in society from a juridical, ethical, and care perspective. My main focus, at this moment, is on research ethics. I am a researcher in the Horizon Europe project, "Beyond Bad Apples: Towards a Behavioral and Evidence-Based Approach to Promote Research Ethics and Research Integrity in Europe” (BEYOND).
I supervise bachelor and master students doing research in the final stage of their studies.
For more information see my profile on LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/in/susanne-van-den-hooff-71a9b76/
My research focuses on qualitative interdisciplinary research. I am currently involved as a researcher in BEYOND; a Horizon Europe project investigating the root causes of research misconduct, developing robust methodologies for impactful training and creating and enhancing training materials. For more information about this project see: https://beyondbadapples.eu/
Hooff van den S.L. 2024. Gedeelde verantwoordelijkheid bij opendeuren beleid. Nurse Academy O&T (1): 14-17.
Slesinger, I., Dilger, J., Kumar, R., Vinders, J., Rodrigues, R., Kadri, S., Zamenska, J., Lang, H., van den Hooff, S., Fanelli, D., Coman, A., Husum, T., Tammeleht, A., Löfström, E., Mežinska, S. & Lasmane, E. 2023. Insights from the literature review on behavioural ethics, moral psychology & case-based methodologies and review of real-life case studies of research misconduct. Published December 28, 2023 | Version 1. DOI: 10617602. Project deliverable
Hooff van den S.L. 2023. Informatie aan Veilig Thuis. Nurse Academy GGZ (4): 21-24.
Hooff van den S.L. 2023. Agressie in de zorg. Nurse Academy O&T (4): 43-46.
Hooff van den S.L. 2023. Medische informatie delen op verzoek van UWV. Nurse Academy GGZ (2):10-12.
Hooff van den S.L. 2023. Beëindiging medisch zinloos handelen. Nurse Academy (1): 61-64.
Hooff van den S.L. 2023. Proactieve zorgplanning in de langdurige zorg. Nurse Academy O&T (1): 21-24.
Hooff van den S.L. 2023. Beroepsgeheim. Nurse Academy GGZ (1):45-47.
Janssen,D., Graaf van de, G., Hooff van den, S., Joosen,L., Molen van der, S., Peters,J., Jepma, P. 2022. Proactieve zorgplanning in de langdurige zorg: nood aan een handreiking. Tijdschrift voor ouderengeneeskunde (5). www.verenso.nl/magazine-november-2022/no-5-november-2022/actueel/proactieve-zorgplanning-in-de-langdurige-zorg
Hooff van den S.L. 2022. Beëindiging medisch zinloos handelen. Nurse Academy O&T (4):48-50.
Hooff van den S.L. 2022. Treatment delay within the patient journey of people with Korsakoff’s syndrome: a retrospective qualitative multiple case study in the Netherlands. Health & Social Care in the Community (published online: onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/hsc.13850)
Hooff van den S.L. 2022. Wet zorg en dwang en onvrijwillige zorg. Nurse Academy O&T (3): 32-35.
Hooff van den S.L. 2021. Beslissingsbevoegdheid bij weefseldonatie. Nurse Academy O&T. (4): 10-14.
Hooff van den S.L. 2021. Financieel misbruik. Nurse Academy O&T. (3):32-35.
Hooff van den S.L. 2021. Beroepsgeheim van de wijkverpleegkundige. Nurse Academy O&T. (1):10-13.
Hooff van den S.L. 2020. Wils(on)bekwaamheid in de thuissituatie. Nurse Academy O&T. (4): 14-17.
Hooff van den S.L. & Kwekkeboom R. 2020. Op weg naar goede extramurale Korsakovzorg. Tijdschrift voor Ouderengeneeskunde. (3) juni 2020. www.verenso.nl/magazine-juni-2020/no-3-juni-2020/wetenschap/op-weg-naar-goede-extramurale-korsakovzorg
Hooff van den S.L. 2020. Zelfbeschikkingsrecht. Nurse Academy O&T. (1): 16-19.
Hooff van den S.L. 2019. Inzage in medisch dossier. Nurse Academy GGZ. (2):30-33.
Hooff van den S.L. 2019. Thuiszorg of verpleeghuis na ziekenhuisopname? Nurse Academy O&T. (1): 32-37.
Hooff van den S.L. 2019. New Dutch Legislation and Preventive Coercive Home Health Care for Excessive Alcohol Consumers. International Journal of Mental Health and Addiction. 17 (2): 310–322 doi.org/10.1007/s11469-018-0020-8
Hooff van den, S.L. (2018). Kwetsbaarheid bij besluit over reanimatie. Nurse Academy O&T, (3):9-12.
Hooff van den, S.L. 2018. Voorkomen van het syndroom van Korsakov door aanbieden onvrijwillige zorg? Tijdschrift voor Psychiatrie. 60 (4), 250 – 257.
Hooff van den, S.L. 2017. Transcending Responsibility. A way to justify beneficial coercion of patients suffering from Korsakoff’s syndrome? In J.Gather, T. Henking, A. Nossek & J. Vollmann (Ed.), Beneficial Coercion in Psychiatry? Foundations and Challenges (pp. 223 – 238). Münster, Germany: Mentis.
Hooff van den, S.L. 2016. Ethische overwegingen bij gedwongen opnamen bij aandoeningen zoals Korsakov. Nurse Academy GGZ, (4): 11-14.
Hooff van den, S.L. 2016. Nieuwe wetgeving omtrent onvrijwillige zorg. Nurse Academy O&T, (2):25-28.
Hooff van den, S.L. 2015. Transcending Responsibility. Empirical and theoretical perspectives on involuntary admission of patients suffering from Korsakoff’s syndrome (Dissertatie).
Hooff van den, S.L., Leget, C. & Goossensen, A. 2015. Healthcare professionals under pressure: tensions during involuntary admission process. Nursing Philosophy, 16(4): 177-186.
Hooff van den, S.L. & Goossensen, A. 2015. Conflicting Conceptions of Autonomy: Experiences of family carers with involuntary admissions of their relatives. Ethics and Social Welfare, 9 (1): 64-81.
Hooff van den, S.L. & Goossensen, A. 2015. Ethical considerations of the value of patient knowledge in nursing home care. A qualitative study of patients suffering from Korsakoff's syndrome. Nursing Ethics, 22(30): 377-388.
Hooff van den, S.L. & Buijsen, M. 2014. Healthcare professionals' dilemmas. Judging patient's decision making competence in day-to-day care of patients suffering from Korsakoff's syndrome. Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy, 17 (4): 633-640.
Hooff van den, S.L. 2014. Ontwikkelingen in de verslavingszorg Nederland. Te vinden op:
Hooff van den, S.L. & Goossensen, A. 2013. How to increase quality of care during coercive admission? A review of literature. Scandinavian Journal of Caring Sciences, 28 (3): 425-434.
Hooff van den, S.L. & Goossensen, A. 2012. Cliënt of patiënt? De betekenis van aanspreektermen [Client or Patient? The meaning of contact terms]. Denkbeeld, 24(juni 2012): 6-8.
Hooff van den, S.L. & Goossensen, A. 2011. Zorgverleners in spagaat bij opname van patienten zonder ziekte-inzicht [Healthcare professionals’ difficult balancing act in admission of patients suffering from Korsakoff’s syndrome into long-term care]. Tijdschrift voor Gezondheidszorg en Ethiek, 21(4): 107-113.
Conference papers and posters
- Slesinger, I. & Hooff van den, S.L. (2024, 2-5 June). Designing an interoperable framework for qualitatively rich case study reporting and monitoring. Poster presentation at the 8th World Conference on Research Integrity, Athens, Greece.
- Tammeleht, A., Löfström, E., Hooff, van den S., Parder, M-L., Videnoja, K., de la Cruz Bernabe,R., Nchanchou Mbanya, V., Chapin, C., Voarino, N., Antoniou, J. (2024, 2-5 June). Manifestations of Research Ethics and Integrity Leadership in National Surveys. Cases of Estonia, Finland, Norway, France and the Netherlands. Poster presentation at the 8th World Conference on Research Integrity, Athens, Greece.
- Hooff van den, S.L. (14 May 2024). Beyond Bad Apples: Towards a Behavioural and Evidence-Based Approach to Promote Research Ethics and Research Integrity in Europe. Oral presentation at the University of Humanistic Studies, Utrecht, The Netherlands.
- Hooff van den, S.L. & Slesinger, I (2023, September). Context, Organisational Cultures and Diversity in Research Ethics and Integrity. Workshop at the Congress on Research Integrity Practice. Paris, France.
- Hooff van den, S.L. (2023, June) Wet Zorg en Dwang. Online oral presentation for Expertgroup KKC Nurses, Oudorp, The Netherlands
- Hooff van den S.L. (2022, March). Potcast KKC. Alles over Korsakov. Available on Spotify: open.spotify.com/show/3Xvhwv2UQYkWGo4rdJSsJz?si=HAv0cxhBSnyKuH7C3TS8gA
- Hooff van den, S.L. (2019, September). ‘Extramural healthcare for patients suffering from Korsakoff’s syndrome: a new challenge’. Poster presentation at the 7th Conference on Health Law; Innovation and Healthcare New Challenges for Europe. Toulouse, France.
- Hooff van den, S.L. (2019, July). ‘Confused peoples’perspectives on the world they are living in’. Oral presentation at the International Conference on Social Work in Health and Mental Health. York, England.
- Hooff van den, S.L. (2019, March). ‘Wet Zorg en Dwang’. Oral presentation at the Kennisnetbijeenkomst van het Korsakov Kenniscentrum, Hilversum, The Netherlands.
- Hooff van den, S.L. (2019, Februari). ‘Samenwerken en Verbinden.’ Oral presentation at the Kennisbijeenkomst van Magentazorg te Bergen, The Netherlands.
- Hooff van den, S.L. (2019, January). ‘Zorgervaringen van mensen met psychiatrische en/of verslavingsproblemen. Posterpresentation at the Dag van het onderzoek at the Hogeschool van Amsterdam, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
- Hooff van den, S.L. (2018, November). ‘Transcending Responsibility. Developing a new interdisciplinary educational program.’ Oral presentation at the U!reka conference. Frankfurt, Germany.
- Hooff van den, S.L. (2018, August). ‘Transcending Responsibility: dealing with the harmful use of alcohol’. Oral presentation during the 10th ICN NP/APN Conference. 26-29 August 2018. Rotterdam, The Netherlands.
- Hooff van den, S.L. (2018, February). ‘Living will. Relevant Dutch legislation’. Oral presentation at the meeting of the European Network on Medical Law and Bioethics, Thessaloniki, Greece.
- Hooff van den, S.L. (2017, September). ‘Provision of coercive home care: a legal, ethical and care perspective’. Poster presentation at the 6th EAHL Conference, Bergen, Norway.
- Hooff van den, S.L. (2017, September). Oral presentation in an E-learning module dealing with legal procedures during involuntary admission Korsakoff patients of the Korsakoff Knowledge Center, Rotterdam, the Netherlands.
- Hooff van den, S.L. (2017, September). ‘Spanning en dilemma bij onvrijwillige zorg Korsakov’. Oral presentation at an expert meeting of the Korsakoff Knowledge Center, Hilversum, the Netherlands
- Hooff van den, S.L. (2016, June). ‘Transcending Responsibility’. Oral presentation at an expert meeting of the Korsakoff Knowledge Center, Utrecht, the Netherlands.
- Hooff van den, S.L. (2016, February). ‘Gedwongen opname en humanisering van de ouderenzorg’. Oral presentation during an in-depth meeting of the Platform Humanization of Elderly Care at the University of Humanistic Studies, Utrecht, the Netherlands.
- Hooff van den, S.L. (2016, February). ‘Transcending Responsibility’. Oral presentation during the international conference for young scholars ‘Beneficial coercion in medicine? Foundations, areas of conflict, prevention’, Bochum, Germany.
- Hooff van den, S.L. (2016, January). Radio interview voor ‘Radio EenVandaag van de NOS’. www.nporadio1.nl/radio-eenvandaag/onderwerpen/338348-help-korsakovpatient-ook-als-die-geen-hulp-wil
- Hooff van den, S.L. (2016, January). Poster presentation during the conference ‘Het syndroom van Korsakov, een ruwe diamante met vele facetten’, georganiseerd door Korsakov Kenniscentrum en Korsakov centrum Slingedael, Rotterdam, the Netherlands.
- Hooff van den, S.L. (2015, November). ‘Transcending Responsibility’. Oral presentation given at the conference ‘Who is (rendered) responsible’, at the University of Humanistic Studies, Utrecht, the Netherlands.
- Hooff van den, S.L. (2015, April). ‘Transcending Responsibility’. Oral presentation given at the Philosophisch-Theologische Hochschule Vallendar, Germany.
- Hooff van den, S.L. (2013, October). ‘How to provide good care for patients before and during involuntary admission?’ Oral presentation within a discussion circle at Deliberations and Transformation: Challenges through the Ethics of Care. Conference at the Baden-Wuerttemberg Cooperative State University Stuttgart, Germany.
- Hooff van den, S.L. (2013, June). ‘How to provide good care for patients suffering from Korsakoff’s syndrome?’ Oral presentation at an expert meeting of the Korsakoff Knowledge Center, Beekbergen, the Netherlands.
- Hooff van den, S.L. (2013, March). ‘Toekomstige wetgeving: gevolgen voor Korsakov patient?’ [Future legislation: implications for patients suffering from Korsakoff’s syndrome?]. Oral presentation at an expert meeting of the Korsakoff Knowledge Center, Dordrecht, the Netherlands.
- Hooff van den, S.L. (2013, March). ‘Who cares? Struggling to impose care’. Oral presentation at the Nordic Conference in Ethics in Health Services, Oslo, Norway.
- Hooff van den, S.L. (2012, November).’The significance of involuntary admission for proper care of patients without awareness of their illness’. Poster session presented at the Working conference: Ethics of Care as a multidisciplinary enterprise, Utrecht, the Netherlands.
Care-ethics \\ Research-ethics
- Begeleiding Masterthesis Zorgethiek
- Begeleiding Thesis Premaster