Prof. dr. Margo Trappenburg
Bijzonder hoogleraar Grondslagen van het maatschappelijk werk
030 2538101
Prof. dr.
wetenschappelijk personeel, Leerstoel Burgerschap en Humanisering van de Publieke Sector
Bijlhouwerstraat 6
3511 ZC
Margo Trappenburg studied political science at Leyden University. Her PhD thesis (defended in 1993) consisted of an analysis of medical-ethical debate in the Netherlands. (Soorten van gelijk. Medisch-ethische discussies in Nederland.)
She is an associate professor at Bestuurs- en Organisatiewetenschappen aan de Universiteit Utrecht. Previously she held an endowed professorship at Erasmus University (dealing with the patient's perspective) and at the University of Amsterdam (the so-called Drees chair).
Since 2014 Margo has an endowed chair at the University for Humanistic Studies, on behalf of the Marie Kamphuis foundation (Marie Kamphuisstichting.
Trappenburg's current research interests include changes in the welfare state (from active to passive solidarity). What do these changes entail for vulnerable citizens, for non vulnerable citizens and for paid professionals, such as social workers?
At the University of Humanistic Studies she participates in the research projects on ' Dignity' and 'Experiencing Dependence' .
- Trappenburg, M. (2022) ‘The only thing I do is coordination’: on the voluntarisation of social work in the Netherlands. European Journal of Social Work, 25 (3), pp. 538-549.
- Trappenburg M, T. Kampen & E. Tonkens (2022) Street-Level Bureaucrats in a Catch-All Bureaucracy. Administration & Society, June 2022. doi:10.1177/00953997221104679
- M. Trappenburg, Helpen als ambacht. Over arbeidsdeling in de participatiemaatschappij, oratie 2016.
- Bredewold, F., E. Tonkens & M. Trappenburg (2016), Solidarity and Reciprocity Between People With and Without Disabilities, Journal of Community & Applied Social Psychology, 26(6): 534-550.
- Schillemans, T.H., H. v.d. Bovenkamp, M. Trappenburg (2016), From “Major Decisions” to “Everyday Life”: Direct Accountability to Clients, in: P. Mattei (ed.), Public Accountability and Health Care Governance,165-192
- Bredewold, F., E. Tonkens & M. Trappenburg (2015), Urban Encounters Limited: the Importance of Built-in Boundaries in Contacts between People with Intellectual or Psychiatric Disabilities and their Neighbours, Urban Studies, 53(16); 3371-3387.
- Trappenburg, M. (2013), Active Solidarity and Its Discontents, Health Care Analysis, 23 (3): 207-220
Research Portal University of Humanistic Studies
changes in the welfare state, professions and professionalism, contemporay political philosophy, euthanasia and other medical-ethical issues.
Margo teaches at the UvH graduate school .
Trappenburg is chairperson of the scientific advisory council of the BPSW (professional association of social workers).
She is a member of the advisory board of Sociaal Werk Nederland (branch organisation of social work employers) installed to implement a branche benchmark for social work organisations.
She is a member of the advisory board of the master program social work at Hanze and Stenden universities of applied sciences.