UvH Nieuwsbrief 10 juli 2015
De laatste nieuwsbrief voor de vakantie. De Universiteit voor Humanistiek kent deze zomer beperkte openingstijden, kijkt u even hier. We wensen u een fijne zomer toe!
Opening Academisch Jaar over rituelen (31 augustus)
Rituelen komen in alle culturen voor, maar welke rol spelen rituelen in de huidige samenleving? Wat vertellen rituelen over de manier hoe wij met elkaar omgaan? Maandag 31 augustus 2015 opent rector Gerty Lensvelt het nieuwe academische jaar met een feestelijk programma in de Pieterskerk in Utrecht. Lees verder>Who is (rendered) responsible?
On November 4th and 5th 2015, the Graduate School of the University of Humanistic Studies will present a conference on responsibilization and dependency in a changing welfare state. With keynotes by Prof. Dr. Hanne Marlene Dahl (Roskilde Universitat, Denmark) and Dr. Thomas Briebiecher (Goethe Universität, Germany). Read more>The opening up of the patient world; benefits of phenomenological research
Humanisation is a focus in research activities of the University of Humanistic Studies and giving ‘choice and voice’ to patients in their own health care is an important aim from this perspective. However, not all initiatives employed contribute to a deeper understanding of patient perspectives. Reflections on humanisation in healthcare appear to touch on images of patients in use; for instance as consumers (economic emphasis), as citizens (political emphasis) or as vulnerable people. on October 19th the Graduate School organises a research conference with special gues: professor Karin Dahlberg, University of Gothenburg, Sweden. Read more>Jaarbeeld 2014
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