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Blog from the Summer School on Pluralism & Development in Indonesia

3 augustus 2015

The Kosmopolis Platform of the University of Humanistic Studies (the Netherlands), in cooperation with PUSAD-Paramadina and the Center for Religious and Cross-Cultural Studies of Gadjah Mada University (Indonesia), the Institute for Reconciliation and Social Justice of the University of the Free State (South Africa), Azim Premji University (India) and HIVOS (Humanist Institute for Cooperation with Developing Countries), has organized the 12th annual edition of the International Summer School on Pluralism, Development and Social Change in Puncak, Indonesia, from July 28 to August 13 2015. Previous summer schools took place in The Netherlands, India, Indonesia and South Africa. 

The summer school consists of a 17 day full time program of lectures, excursions, seminars, literature study, discussion, guided individual - and small group work and assignments. In the 2015 summer school are twenty participants, who come from Indonesia, India, the Netherlands, Germany, South Africa and Kenya. All of them work in Civil Society Based organizations in the realm of Human Rights and Social Justice and/or are graduate students in the Humanities and Social Sciences. The staff of the summer school consists of an international group of academics and CSO-based professionals from Indonesia, the Netherlands, South Africa and India. The 2015  staff group includes: Zainal Abidin Bagir, Ihsan Ali-Fauzi, Jacky Manuputty, Syamsul Maarif, Sitharamam Kakarala, JC van der Merwe, Henk Manschot, and Caroline Suransky. 

Click here to read more about the summer school and to follow the blog from participants!

The Kosmopolis Platform of the University of Humanistic Studies (the Netherlands), in cooperation with PUSAD-Paramadina and the Center for Religious and Cross-Cultural Studies of Gadjah Mada University (Indonesia), the Institute for Reconciliation and Social Justice of the University of the Free State (South Africa), Azim Premji University (India) and HIVOS (Humanist Institute for Cooperation with Developing Countries), has organized the 12th annual edition of the International Summer School on Pluralism, Development and Social Change in Puncak, Indonesia, from July 28 to August 13 2015. Read the blogs from the participants.