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Summer School The politics of disablement (UvH Academie)

The Politics of Disablement Summer School brings together scholars from various fields in the humanities and social sciences interested in thinking about the intersection of disability studies and politics. The event aims to explore the diverse ways in which disability is understood and experienced within different social, cultural and political contexts. The summer school will provide a platform for scholars, researchers and practitioners to engage in interdisciplinary discussions, share their research and exchange ideas on the politics of disablement.

When: 21-23 August 2024 

Where: University of Humanistic Studies, Utrecht, The Netherlands

Course fee: € 175,- *(including course, course materials, lunch)

*The course fee of € 175 applies to all participants who attend the course at the venue. 

A discount of € 40 applies to masterstudents, PhD students and participants attending the course online.  The discount can be applied for in the motivation letter.

Registration deadline: 1 July 2024

More information

Contactpersoon Mieke Vink
Locatie UvH
Periode van 21-8-2024 t/m 23-8-2024