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Lecture Janelle Taylor: 'Dementia at the Ragged Edges of Family and the State'

Janelle Taylor, professor of anthropology at the University of Toronto, is specialised in care and various aspects of dementia. In May, she visits the University of Humanistic Studies. Her visit should be particularly of interest to those of us working on old age, dementia, care ethics, the welfare state, and/or informal care networks. Janelle's talk on 25 May will concern her recent work on guardianship for people who have no close family at the time they develop dementia. 

In this lecture, Janelle Taylor describes her recent research analyzing existing data and documents to explore the lives and social relations of the growing number of older adults who, in the context of population aging, are without a living spouse or children at the time they develop dementia. This research has led her to begin inquiring into dementia guardianship, and she will share some initial hunches and emerging questions about this new research direction. Together these topics direct attention to troubling realities of aging with dementia at the ragged edges where inadequacies of family as a default source of unpaid caregiving bump up against the blunt legal instruments of state intervention. The lecture concludes with some reflections on disappearance and mourning.


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Contactpersoon dr. Simon van der Weele
Locatie Room 0.38, Universiteit voor Humanistiek
Datum 25-5-2023
Openingstijden Start 15.00 uur, followed by drinks.
Toegankelijkheid mensen met een beperking Please contact the reception.