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Internationale workshop 'Teaching democracy and tolerance' (EDIC+)

This is a module in the Erasmus + Intensive Programme Education for Democratic Intercultural Citizenship (EDIC+). It is open for master and PhD students from all (international) universities, specialising in the field of education.  

Teaching values and citizenship education becomes increasingly important in many countries all over our globalizing world. For teachers, curriculum developers and researchers it is important to learn more about possibilities to address moral values and citizenship in education. Therefore, this module focuses on knowledge of internationally different theoretical approaches, policies and practices of citizenship education. It builds on the recent study on how all twenty-eight EU Member States pay attention to democracy and tolerance in educational policy and practice (Veugelers, De Groot & Stolk, 2017). 

The module will be theoretical, comparative and practice-oriented and will help you in inquiring, designing and evaluating practices of citizenship education. Also, since the University of Humanistic Studies is an university that teaches interdisciplinary, this module will have an interdisciplinary approach that not only includes educational theory, but also includes psychological elements like engagement and sociological variables such as social class, gender, religion and ethnicity.

Find more information on the EDIC+ programme and this module on the English website>

Contactpersoon Daniëlle Drenth
Locatie University of Humanisic Studies, Utrecht
Periode van 29-1-2018 t/m 2-2-2018