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GS conference: 'Radicalism and populism within western society'

This year, the theme of the yearly conference of the graduate school (that takes place on April 4th) is 'Radicalism and populism within western society'. Keynote speaker of the conference is Dr. Katherine Brown, a senior lecturer in Islamic Studies and head of the department of Theology and Religion at the University of Birmingham. She holds a degree in Politics and International Relations (PhD), focusing on Gender and Islam. 

Dr. Katherine Brown examines the ways in which gendered jihadi narratives motivate and enfranchise, and how they combine with everyday experiences of living and politics.  Recent publications include The Online-world, Social Media and Terrorism (in Handbook of Terrorism and Counter-terrorism, 2017) and Radicalization and Counter-Radicalization at British Universities: Encounters and Alternatives (in Journal of Ethnic and Racial Studies 38, cowritten by T. Saeed). Dr. Brown was previously a lecturer at King's College, London. She is currently writing up a monograph examining anti-radicalisation measures worldwide and their gender features and impacts. 

The theme 'Radicalism and populism within western society' will be the common thread of the keynote lecture and panel discussion of the conference of the graduate school. The conference theme aims to bring focus to the conference program, but doesn’t form an obligatory requirement for the individual PhD-student presentations that will also take place.


9.30-10.00: Arrival, coffee and thee

10.00-10.10: Opening (Abdelilah Ljamai)

10.10-11.00: Keynote lecture:  Dr. Katherine Brown, Univ. of Birmingham

11.00-12.00: Panel & discussion

12.00-13.30: Poster presentations & Lunch break 

13.30-15.00: Oral presentations (First Timeslot)

15.15-16.45: Oral presentations (Second Timeslot)

16.45: Drinks

Contactpersoon dr. Abdelilah Ljamai, Bram van Boxtel (assistent)
Locatie University of Humanistic Studies, Kromme Nieuwegracht 29, Utrecht
Datum 4-4-2019
Openingstijden 10.00 - 17.00 hours