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Expert Seminar Kosmopolis Institute

An expert seminar on Pluralism, BioCultural Diversity and Sustainable Development, organised by the Kosmopolis Institute of the University of Humanistic Studies, in collaboration with the Cross Cultural Foundation of Uganda (CCFU, Kampala, Uganda).


For more information, see website Kosmopolis Institute and PDF-bestandprogramme.

Within the context of the International Knowledge Program on Pluralism, two expert seminars are planned; the first one takes place in the Netherlands, the second one in Uganda (March-April 2012).

Contactpersoon Dorothé van Driel
Locatie zaal 0.22, Universiteit voor Humanistiek Kromme Nieuwegracht 29, Utrecht
Datum 14-12-2011
Openingstijden 14.00 - 17.15 uur
Toegankelijkheid mensen met een beperking Ja