UvH Nieuwsbrief 5 april 2017
Conference graduate school on research practice and methodology

Film en debat 'Ongelovig: Vrijdenkers op de vlucht'

Symposium Dignity in dependence and emotional labour
Self-reliance, independence and personal responsibility are leading notions of welfare state reform. These reforms are not just about changing ways of thinking about and organising support; they also come with a new emotional regime, with new demands for emotional labour of clients as well as workers, family members, friends and neighbors. The 17th of May, the researchgroup ‘The Promise of Proximity’ organises the symposium Dignity in dependence and emotional labour, in which the emotional regime of current welfare state reform is explored. Information and application>Colloquia Familiaria: Geen idee, filosofie van het boerenverstand

Proefcolleges van de masters Humanistiek, en Zorgethiek en Beleid
Nieuwsgierig naar onze masteropleidingen? Op 9 mei is er een proefcollege voor de master Humanistiek, en op 11 mei voor de master Zorgethiek en Beleid.