How can we ensure a caring policy, also in crisis situations? (completed)
- Start: 2020
- Status: completed

The University of Humanistic Studies is developing a care-ethical policy framework to ensure a more caring and inclusive response to future (health) crises. This project is supported with a grant from ZonMw’s Covid19 Bottom-up Programme. The study is headed by Dr. Pieter Dronkers.
In the past months, the Dutch national government took a number of drastic measures. People who were already in a vulnerable position were hit particularly hard by the crisis policy; prohibiting elderly people from receiving visitors is one of many examples. At the same time, there is a renewed and widespread awareness of the importance of good care with a view to a resilient society.
The government’s crisis policy is now coming under increased criticism. Policy considerations are one-sided and often not well-considered from an ethical perspective. Also, vulnerable groups have barely any voice, if at all, in the policy-making process. In the coming two years, our Care Ethics research group will evaluate the crisis policy and will formulate an alternative framework for a care-ethical (crisis) policy framework that is better suited to a caring and inclusive society.
This new project consists of policy research into the crisis measures and an empirical examination of how people in a vulnerable position experienced these measures. Additionally, the study will survey the alternatives that people found with their caregivers and relatives to cope with the impact of the corona crisis. The goal is to develop a practicable policy framework that can be used in different sectors. However, the empirical research concentrates on four groups: people with a mental impairment and their relatives; elderly people and their informal carers; patients receiving palliative care and their relatives; and finally, refugees.
The insights obtained through the empirical study will constantly be discussed with stakeholders and policy makers, enabling the collective creation of an alternative policy framework.
- Dr. Pieter Dronkers (research leader)
- Prof. Carlo Leget (principal applicant)
- Dr. Adrienne de Ruiter
- Dr. Alistair Niemeijer
- Dr. Els van Wijngaarden
Societal partners include Actiz, Dokters van de Wereld, the cooperative Palliatieve Zorg Nederland, Reliëf, Pharos and the Tao of Care.(Co-)financing
This project is supported by a grant through ZonMw’s Covid19 Bottom-up Programme.
Also see
- Article + final report 'Zorgzaam uit de crisis' (in Dutch)
- Covid 19 onderzoeksubsidie: Hoe blijft ons beleid zorgzaam, ook in crisissituaties? (press release in Dutch)
- ZonMw project page (in Dutch)
Dr. Pieter Dronkers,
The University of Humanistic Studies is developing a care-ethical policy framework to ensure a more caring and inclusive response to future (health) crises.