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Collaboration with other universities

At the academic level, we collaborate in all kinds of national and international research projects and organisations. It can be a partnership between two chairs or a consortium.

Academic cooperation

For our research into Goed ouder worden ('Ageing well'), for example, we collaborate in the MIDUS project with the Institute on Aging at the University of Wisconsin. Among other things, we are a member of the 'Consortium Simagine; social imaginaries in a globalizing world' and involved in setting up the research platform 'Changing welfare states' and the International Care Ethical Research Consortium. 

We also collaborate with the Vrije Universiteit Brussel in the field of education and research. To this end, we signed a covenant in March 2019.  In the context of internationalisation, there are further partnerships with universities outside the Netherlands, among other things to promote the exchange of students and lecturers.

Administrative and practical collaboration

On the administrative level, we are university partners of the other philosophical universities and we are associate members of the The Association of Universities in the Netherlands (VSNU). On a practical level, for example, universities and colleges of higher education in Utrecht work together in the introduction period for new bachelor's students and we use Utrecht University's library.

Interested in collaboration?

In the descriptions of our chair groups you can read more about these and other cooperation projects. This will give you a good idea of the type of research we carry out. If you would like to collaborate with us, please contact our researchers.

At the academic level, we collaborate in all kinds of national and international research projects and organisations. It can be a partnership between two chairs or a consortium.