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International collaboration and mobility

Internationalisation is one of the spearheads of policy for the coming years. The University of Humanistic Studies wants to strengthen its international cooperation in the field of education and research and increase the incoming and outgoing mobility of staff and students. In addition to the international contacts that employees maintain, we are involved in a number of international initiatives. 


The Erasmus programme  was introduced in 1989 with the aim of promoting student mobility. It has developed over the years into a comprehensive European funding programme for education, youth and sport.  Erasmus+ promotes, among other things, student and staff mobility for work and study and cooperation projects between higher education institutions, organisations and businesses across Europe and beyond.

The University of Humanistic Studies has been participating in the programme since 2011, and holds an PDF fileErasmus+ Charter for Higher Education 2021-2027. The PDF fileErasmus Policy Statement outlines our internationalisation strategy.

Please refer to our PDF filevision on internationalisation

NL Scholarship (previously Holland Scholarship)

The Holland Scholarship Programme is a grant from the Ministry of Education, Culture and Science and 48 Dutch colleges and universities, including the University of Humanistic Studies. The grant is intended for students who want to study, do an internship or conduct research outside the European Economic Area (EEA). The EEA countries are all EU countries, plus Liechtenstein, Norway and Iceland.

Erasmus Intensive Education Programme for Democratic Intercultural Citizenship

The University of Humanistic Studies coordinates this Erasmus international educational programme, which gives students the opportunity to deepen their understanding of education and international citizenship. Participating universities are the University of Barcelona, Bath-Spa, Helsinki, Tallinn, Charles University Prague, Aristotle University Thessaloniki and our own university. More information about the programme can be found on the site

Any questions?

Are you interested or do you have any questions? Please contact Anne-Roos Renkema policy officer for Education and Internationalisation: