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Master Care Ethics and Policy

What constitutes good care? Reflecting on care 

Healthcare in the Netherlands and Belgium is under pressure. Growing technological possibilities, a more pronounced demand, further professionalisation of healthcare professions, austerity measures, market principles and changes in healthcare systems: these are just some of the factors that require reflection. Care providers often do not get the appreciation they deserve. Patients do not feel heard. There is a public debate on whether our healthcare system provides good care. These are serious issues that need to be seriously examined.

Care-ethical perspective 

The one-year Master Care Ethics and Policy makes students familiar with the concept of Healthcare Ethics and it allows them to reflect on the different domains of care from a care-ethical perspective. We develop a vision of care by researching care itself, because the patient's own perspective and that of the professional healthcare provider are essential to care ethics. Care always takes place within a relationship.


Intercultural questions also play a key role in Care Ethics. The question of what constitutes good care, including a moral perspective, is raised in a society made up of people of different religions, worldviews and cultures. This requires reflection on and the development of a personal vision. This master’s programme offers systematic reflection and the skills to conduct research in the healthcare sector.

Lecturers, grounded in practice 

The lecturers of the master’s programme have close ties with care institutions. Through education and research and through advisory councils and ethical committees they are closely involved in the processes and developments in healthcare institutions. Together they form the department of Care and Wellbeing. An overview of the members of the Care Ethics research group can be found elsewhere.


For a short desciption of the courses, you can have a look at the Course Catalogue. In the first semester of the academic year one course from the master's programme will be offered in English. International students can follow this semester with the Erasmus exchange programme, including four courses from the master’s programme in Humanistic Studies.