Endowed chairs
The University has its own chair groups, as well as endowed chairs which are funded by a third party and personal chairs.
Endowed Chairs | Professor by special appointment | Third party |
Worldviews and Public Mental Health with particular attention for Psychiatry | Prof Arjan Braam | Kenniscentrum voor levensbeschouwing en geestelijke volksgezondheid |
Liberal Religion and Humanism | Prof Laurens ten Kate | Stichting Stimulering Vrijzinnig Gedachtegoed |
Social Resilience and Older Adults | Prof Anja Machielse | Gemeente Rotterdam |
Leadership Ethics and Humanization of Society | Prof Patrick Nullens | Goldschmeding Foundation for People, Work and Economy |
Disability Studies | Prof Alice Schippers | Stichting Disability Studies In Nederland |
Psychotrauma, Loss and Grief following disasters and violence | Prof Geert Smid | Arq National Psychotrauma Centrum |
Resilience in the Police Force | Prof Annika Smit | Police Academy |
Foundations of Social Work | Prof Margo Trappenburg | Marie Kamphuis Stichting |
Karen Armstrong Chair for Religion, Values and Societal Transformations | Prof Manuela Kalsky | Stichting Nieuw Wij en Stichting Woudschoten |
Living Together with Difference | Prof Femmianne Bredewold | Ben Sajet Centrum |
Child-wish Exploration | Dr. Hilmar Bijma | GGD GHOR Nederland |
Personal Chairs
- Prof Joke van Saane: Leadership and Meaning Making
- Prof Anne Goossensen: Informal Care and Care Ethics