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Endowed chairs

The University has its own chair groups, as well as endowed chairs which are funded by a third party and personal chairs.

Endowed ChairsProfessor by special appointmentThird party
Worldviews and Public Mental Health with particular attention for Psychiatry
Prof Arjan BraamKenniscentrum voor levensbeschouwing en geestelijke volksgezondheid
Liberal Religion and HumanismProf Laurens ten KateStichting Stimulering Vrijzinnig Gedachtegoed
Social Resilience and Older AdultsProf Anja MachielseGemeente Rotterdam
Leadership Ethics and Humanization of SocietyProf Patrick NullensGoldschmeding Foundation for People, Work and Economy
Disability StudiesProf Alice SchippersStichting Disability Studies In Nederland
Psychotrauma, Loss and Grief following disasters and violenceProf Geert SmidArq National Psychotrauma Centrum
Resilience in the Police ForceProf Annika Smit
Police Academy
Foundations of Social Work
Prof Margo Trappenburg
Marie Kamphuis Stichting
Karen Armstrong Chair for Religion, Values and Societal TransformationsProf Manuela KalskyStichting Nieuw Wij en Stichting Woudschoten
Living Together with DifferenceProf Femmianne BredewoldBen Sajet Centrum
Child-wish ExplorationDr. Hilmar BijmaGGD GHOR Nederland

Personal Chairs