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Application, admission and registration


All PhD candidates must hold a Master's or a Drs. degree. We also expect candidates to have some research and writing experience in the last 2 to 5 years. Please note that PhD candidates will be required to submit and publish articles to international peer-reviewed journals. Many PhD dissertations consist of a collection of academic peer-reviewed articles.  

The candidates must be able to spend at least two full days (16 hours) a week on their PhD research.

Application to the Graduate School 

To be admitted to the Graduate School, you will follow an assessment procedure. The application period for the academic year 2025-2026 starts in December 2024. The deadline for application is April 2nd 2025.

You may apply to the Graduate School in the period between December 2024 and April 2nd 2025. The application period closes on April 2nd 2025, at 15.00 CEST. 

Application documents

In order to apply to the Graduate School of the UvH, you are requested to submit the following documents:

Please note: 

In order to complete the application form please consult the page  Available research topics and research fields.

•  A completed Application Form (in English; please use the template below)

•  A completed Initial PhD proposal (in English; please use the template below)

•  Your Curriculum Vitae (in English or Dutch)

•  A  copy of Master's diploma:

A digital copy of your Master's diploma (if issued in the Netherlands)

or a notarized/ Apostille approved copy of your Master's diploma

DUO - Uittreksel Diploma  

DUO - Extract of your Diploma

PDF fileApplication Form

MS Word fileInitial PhD Proposal

These documents must be submitted digitally via:

Once the application documents are received, the following steps will be explained. 

Assessment Procedure

The assessment will take place between April 2025 and June 2025. In June 2025 the applicants will be informed whether they have been admitted to the UvH Graduate School.