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University council

The University Council (UR) is the representative body for the students and staff of the University of Humanistic Studies. The ‘U-Council’ represents interests in the field of (educational) policy, the budget, education and examination regulations, organisational developments and the future of the university. In cooperation with the Student Forum, the University Council makes an inventory of what is going on among students and staff. Contact the council:

Programme Committee

Partly on the basis of the results of educational evaluations, the study programme committee issues advice on the quality of education. It raises any bottlenecks and advises on the development and implementation of educational policy. The Programme Committee consists of students and lecturers. Contact the committee:

Student Forum

The Student Forum (StuF) shapes the informal student representation of the university and functions as a subcommittee of the formal representative body: the student section of the University Council. The main objectives of StuF are: to form a link between students and the University for Humanistic Studies as an organisation, to promote the interests of all students within the university, to inform students and to support students in the various bodies and committees. 

The Student Forum consists of annual representatives and students sitting in various bodies within our universitys. The annual representatives act as contact person between students, student participation and organisation. Contact the forum:

Read more about participation on our university: university council, programme committee, student forum.