Examples of research projects of the chair group Humanist Chaplaincy Studies for a Plural Society:
Expertise centre on meaning-of-life issues and chaplaincy
The University of Humanistic Studies has teamed up with the University of Groningen, the Protestant Theological University and 12 other social and scientific partners to establish an expertise centre on meaning-of-life issues and chaplaincy.
Chaplaincy care and psychological trauma, loss and mourning
This research project aims to optimise and integrate chaplaincy care and mental health care in the context of psychological trauma, moral trauma, loss and bereavement.
Case Studies Project: Chaplaincy in the Armed Forces (completed)
In this project, chaplains working in the Armed Forces describe practical cases according to a predetermined format. The goal is to paint a picture of their work: what do they do, for what reasons and to what ends?
Meaning of life and spirituality in care (completed)
In this project researchers work to promote attention for meaning of life issues and spirituality and to create a new profile for chaplaincy care in care institutions.
The coordinator in the picture: examining moral distress among coordinators in volunteer palliative care (completed)
This project aims to better understand the difficult moral situations encountered by coordinators in volunteer palliative care and their own support needs in this respect.
Suicide and euthanasia due to psychiatric disorders (completed)
Optimising care in the context of suicide and euthanasia on account of psychiatric disorders, for patients and their relatives, and at bereavement care for surviving relatives.
SamenZin: Collaborative learning by chaplains and nurse practitioners (completed)
The goal of the project is to develop a collaborative learning programme for chaplains and nurse practitioners assisting General Practitioners in the region of Utrecht.
Inventory of chaplaincy care at home (completed)
ZonMw commissioned the University of Humanistic Studies to conduct a broad inventory study of meaning-of-life issues and chaplaincy care in home care/primary health care.