Research into social inclusion for people with a disability in a sheltered housing environment
- Project: 2019 - 2024
The University of Humanistic Studies, Vereniging Gehandicaptenzorg Nederland (Dutch Association for Disability Care), KansPlus, Platform EMG and Sien investigated the significance of the UN convention for persons with a mental disability and/or multiple disabilities, living in a sheltered home. They performed the research in collaboration with six care institutes. The project is funded by ZonMw.
In July 2016 the Netherlands signed the UN convention regarding the rights of persons with a disability. The UN convention seeks to promote participation and a more inclusive society. But how can you promote participation and social inclusion for people living in a sheltered housing environment? Does this type of residential living not run counter to the ideal of social inclusion and participation?
The project ‘Social inclusion and the UN convention’ explores how the UN convention can be elaborated for people with a mental and/or multiple disability who live, work, learn and recreate in a sheltered environment. The project aims to better understand what living in institutional premises means for these people’s development opportunities and how social inclusion can play a role here.
To this end, research is conducted with and at six care institutions that offer sheltered living and working to people with a mental and/or multiple disability: Prisma, Nieuw Woelwijck, OlmenEs, Van Boeijen, De Seizoenen and Reinaerde. The researchers will participate in daily life with people with a disability and their care providers to experience first-hand what ‘social inclusion’ means in their lives. They will also interview family members and care providers. The goal is to understand and experience first-hand the experiences of people with a disability, their significant others and care providers. All research data collected in this way will be processed anonymously.
- Dr. Femmianne Bredewold (project leader)
- Prof. Evelien Tonkens, professor of Citizens and Humanisation of the Public Sector
- Prof. Margo Trappenburg, endowed professor Foundations of Social Work
- Simon van der Weele MSc
(Prof. Frans Vosman, emeritus professor of Care Ethics, was involved in the project until his death in June 2020.)
Vereniging Gehandicaptenzorg Nederland, KansPlus, Platform EMG and Sien. Six care institutions: Prisma, Nieuw Woelwijck, OlmenEs, Van Boeijen, De Seizoenen and Reinaerde.
This project is supported by: ZonMw, programme Ethics and Health.
Anticipated results
- The study seeks to help professionals, team leaders, managers and administrators understand how you can think and talk about, and give shape to, social inclusion for people with a mental and/or multiple disability residing in a sheltered environment.
- We offer practical tools to professionals, team leaders, managers, administrators of care institutions to design the social dynamics in a sheltered environment in a way that contributes to the quality of life of people with a mental and/or multiple disability residing in a sheltered environment, and that complies with the UN convention.
Project leader Dr. Femmianne Bredewold,
In July 2016 the Netherlands signed the UN convention regarding the rights of persons with a disability. We are investigating the significance of this for people with intellectual and/or multiple disabilities living in sheltered accommodation.