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Prof. dr. Femmianne Bredewold

Femmianne Bredewold

Professor by Special Appointment 'Living Together with Difference'


Kromme Nieuwegracht 29
3512 HD


Femmianne Bredewold is Professor by Special Appointment 'Living with Difference'  at The Ben Sajet Centre in Amsterdam and associate professor at the University of Humanistic Studies in Utrecht. Her research centers on the motivations behind citizens' support for one another, with a particular emphasis on the inclusion of individuals with support needs in societal networks. With a keen interest in understanding the dynamics of social relationships, Femmianne explores how communities can foster greater inclusivity and support for marginalized groups. Her work contributes to the ongoing discussion on social cohesion and solidarity within contemporary societies.

Academic Journey
In my dissertation, conducted at the University of Amsterdam (PhD in 2014), I delved into the circumstances influencing neighbors' willingness to support individuals with intellectual and mental disabilities, as well as their social inclusion within urban communities. Since then, my academic journey has allowed me to deepen and expand this thematic interest, thanks to securing various grants from NWO and ZonMW. 

Firstly, I adopted a more interdisciplinary approach to social inclusion, employing methodologies such as Empirical Ethics of Care and Moral Anthropology to explore the moral and normative dimensions of social inclusion. 

Secondly, I expanded my focus on social inclusion to encompass a broader spectrum, investigating the social integration and urban care provision for other marginalized groups, including those with profound intellectual disabilities, homeless people and people with dementia. 

Thirdly, I dedicated attention to practical methods of fostering community cohesion by studying citizen-led projects and initiatives in both urban and rural settings. These initiatives aim to foster connections and solidarity among citizens, as well as between citizens and governments. 

Through these endeavors my goal is to contribute to the development of a resilient and inclusive social fabric that encourages engagement with diversity while respecting and valuing differences.


2024-till date 'Everyday Citizenship in Dutch Neighbourhoods'. A multi-annual research project in collaboration with the School of Social Policy Reseach, Utrecht University. The project aims to explore how everyday citizenship in the neighborhood can be shaped in a way that promotes a sense of belonging and inclusion for individuals with intellectual disabilities, people with mental disabilities, people who suffer from addiction issues and those experiencing homelessness. Moreover, this project will shed light on how different stakeholders can collaborate to create inclusive and supportive
environments where all individuals can feel at home.

2019-2024 Multi-annual research project entitled ‘Participative or dignified citizenship? An empirical ethical study of social inclusion of people with profound and multiple disabilities living in sheltered living institutions’. In this project we have a specific focus on how place  influences the idea of social inclusion, as sheltered living institutions are most times situated in predominantly rural areas and are in some ways secluded from ‘mainstream’ society. Grant ZonMW Ethiek en Gezondheid 3. Projectleader and coordinator. 

2020-2021 'Impact Covid-19 on people with ID and their caregivers'. I am a member of a large international project called ‘Comparative Policy and Practice’ and with this group of academics we investigated the Impact of Covid-19 on individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities and their caregivers. Project leader Christine Linehan UCD Ireland. 

2018-2019 'Dependency and people with ID'. This project investigated experiences of dependency amongst people with intellectual disabilities and their relatives on support workers and care organizations. Subsidised by Ministry of Health, Welfare and Sports. 

2015 -2018 'The promise of proximity'. Multi-annual research-project (in Dutch cities Amsterdam, Rotterdam, Zwolle, Leeuwarden, Eindhoven and Sittard-Geleen) on active citizenship and welfare state reform. We investigated how the decentralisation with a focus on self-reliance affects people in need of care and their caregivers. In collaboration with colleagues of the UvA prof. dr. J.W. Duyvendak and dr. Loes Verplanke. Subsidised by Institute GAK.

2016 – 2017 'Recognition and people with Intellectual Disabilities'. Research project on the recognition of people with intellectual and psychiatric disabilities in social employment projects. Grant ZonMW Vakkundig aan het werk. 

2015 – 2017 'Convivial encounters in neighbourhood projects'. Multi-annual research-project how projects in neighbourhoods contribute to meaningful encounters between people with and without disabilities in various Dutch rural and urban areas. Grant Provence of Overijssel. 

Ancillary activities

  •  2020 – till date Member of Academic board KOOS Youth Care Organisation Utrecht
  • 2020 - 2024 Member of board Recognition and Rewards NLU and UvH
  • 2019 -till date Member of IASSIDD SIRG Comparative Policy and Practice Stream
  • 2018 - 2021 Member of University Council UvH (Universiteitsraad)