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Citizenship and Humanisation of the Public Sector

Life stories about work

    Stap voor Stap - van dagbesteding naar (beschut) werk - Instituut Gak
  • Start: 1 March 2023
  • Status:  ongoing

In this project, we explore the desires, needs and opportunities of participants in unpaid sheltered employment who wish to move into paid employment. The research is made possible by Instituut Gak as part of the 'Step by Step programme'.


What is important for individuals in unpaid sheltered employment as they attempt to transition into paid employment? In both policy and practice, the emphasis is often on economic factors, such as salary levels or the potential loss of benefits or allowances. However, achieving 'full participation' requires addressing socio-cultural, political, and contributive factors as well, such as receiving appreciation, having a voice, and contributing to society.

This study examines how these factors influence individual experiences with different types of employment and their transitions between them. By delving into these experiences, we aim to enrich the discussion around the concept of ‘parity of participation’, focusing on how past experiences shape present and future ideas about work. 

The life stories of participants in unpaid sheltered employment serve as the foundation of our research. For example, being bullied at school may affect how much value someone attaches to being appreciated at work and having a good relationship with colleagues. Paying attention to life stories enables us to better understand why participants do or do not (structurally) take the step to paid (sheltered) employment.


As an interim report we have created a magazine in which participants in the program share their experiences in a way that suits them.



More than 25 day care providers in The Netherlands.


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In this project, we explore the desires, needs and opportunities of participants in unpaid sheltered employment who wish to move into paid employment. The research is made possible by Instituut Gak as part of the 'Step by Step programme'.