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Citizenship and Humanisation of the Public Sector

Taking Care of Caregivers (completed)

  • Duration: December 2017 - December 2021
  • Status: completed

PhD research by Menal Ahmad into the experiences and needs of informal caregivers with a migration background looking after a family member with dementia. 


Informal caregivers with a migration background, looking after a family member with dementia, are currently in a transition phase from family care to shared care. Previous research has shown that many informal caregivers are overtaxed, partly because the option to share care is not discussed. Also, the current care offer often does not suit the wishes and needs of families with a migration background.

In this four-year PhD study, the focus is on these caregivers’ experiences and needs. Based on the research results, the organisations Pharos, NOOM, and MantelzorgNL will work with informal caregivers and care professionals to develop tools to provide better care and support to informal caregivers with a migration background and their family members.

The ultimate goal is to help think about, talk about and decide about the sharing of care, and thereby to stimulate shared dementia care. 




ZonMw (Memorabel)


Ahmad, M., van den Broeke, J., Saharso, S., & Tonkens, E. (2019). Persons With a Migration Background Caring for a Family Member With Dementia: Challenges to Shared Care. The Gerontologist.

PhD research by Menal Ahmad into the experiences and needs of informal caregivers with a migration background looking after a family member with dementia.