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BEYOND: European research on scientific ethics and integrity

12 januari 2023

Ethics and integrity are essential dimensions of top research and crucial for public trust in science. In the BEYOND research project, partners from 9 European countries are working together to explore what is needed to foster compliance with the highest standards of ethics and integrity and prevent researcher misconduct. From the Netherlands, the University of Humanistic Studies is contributing to this project, which is funded by a Horizon European grant from the European Commission. 

The full title of the project is Beyond Bad Apples: Towards a Behavioral and Evidence-Based Approach to Promote Research Ethics and Research Integrity in Europe. BEYOND started on 1 January 2023 and will last for three years. The University of Oslo is the project leader and, in addition, partners come from Denmark, France, Finland, Cyprus, UK, Latvia, Estonia and the Netherlands. From the University of Humanistic Studies, Dr Susanne van den Hooff is involved as a researcher. "I am very happy to contribute to this," she says.

Van den Hooff holds a master's degree in Dutch law and psychology and in 2015 obtained her PhD from the University of Humanistic Studies on research into optimal care for people with Korsakov syndrome, particularly during the pathway to involuntary institutionalisation. In addition to this research, she teaches health law and ethics/moral deliberation to healthcare professionals and supervises students in carrying out their thesis research. 

She explains: “In the project, we will develop both regulatory and educational interventions. BEYOND adopts a complex ecosystem perspective, which means we recognise the many different responsibilities of researchers and other stakeholders. We review the existing literature on behavioural ethics and moral psychology. We also look at the socio-economic consequences of research misconduct. In doing so, we involve all research stakeholders through a public consultation . During this study, I will mainly be involved in the literature review, qualitative research and testing of new educational materials.”

See also 

Partners from 9 European countries are working together to explore what is needed to comply with the highest standards of ethics and integrity and prevent researcher misconduct.