Inventory of chaplaincy care at home (completed)

- Period: December 2019 through February 2020
- Status: completed
ZonMw commissioned the University of Humanistic Studies to conduct a broad inventory study of meaning-of-life issues and chaplaincy care in home care/primary health care, including the social domain. This inventory is intended to serve all professionals and organisations in primary health care, including the social domain, such as chaplains, volunteers, chaplaincy care project leaders of the national networks for palliative care, members of the steering group Geestelijke Verzorging Thuis (chaplaincy care at home) and researchers.
Since 1 January 2019, chaplaincy care at home can be funded through a new subsidy scheme offered by the Ministry of Health, Welfare and Sport (VWS). This scheme is intended for three categories of clients: people aged 50 and over, patients in the palliative phase (including their relatives), and children in the palliative phase and their relatives. Additional funding is available for networks in children’s palliative care with which to hire both chaplains and loss and bereavement counsellors.
The Ministry of VWS has set up the steering group Geestelijke Verzorging Thuis (Chaplaincy Care at Home). This group is tasked with designing the infrastructure for chaplaincy care at home with all stakeholders. This goal is pursued through six subprojects. The Ministry has also instructed ZonMw to develop a research programme. Since there are many parties in this field that are engaged in all sorts of activities, there is a need for an overview of existing publications and materials. This overview is a first step.
Prof. Gaby Jacobs, project leader, UvH
Annelieke Damen, PhD researcher, UvH
Ben Vruggink, junior researcher, UvH
This study was commissioned by ZonMw.
Also see
Press release about the publication of the report (8 April 2020) (in Dutch)
Prof. Gaby Jacobs,
ZonMw commissioned the University of Humanistic Studies to conduct a broad inventory study of meaning-of-life issues and chaplaincy care in home care/primary health care.