'Zin in Bellen': group discussions on meaning of life (completed)
- Start: 1 September 2021
- End: 1 November 2022
- Status: completed
Many elderly people face life questions and questions about meaning. These questions may be related to drastic events, such as the loss of loved ones, health problems, the provision of informal care, a lack of activities, or loneliness. Against this background, the Centre for Life Questions Rotterdam e.o. has set up the project "Zin in Bellen, telephone group discussions for the elderly" in cooperation with the city of Rotterdam.
This project is aimed at elderly people who want to connect with peers in an approachable way and talk about essential issues in a relaxed manner. The group discussions are led by trained volunteers, who receive support from spiritual carers. The study evaluates the approach.
Centrum voor Levensvragen Rotterdam & omstreken
- Sint Laurensfonds Rotterdam
- Fonds Sluyterman van Loo
Prof. dr. Anja Machielse, A.Machielse@UvH.nl.
Many elderly people face life questions and questions about meaning. This project is for elderly people who want to connect with peers and talk about essential issues.