SEE ME: Social inclusion through Meaningful Ageing
- Start: 1 January 2021
- End: 1 April 2023
- Status: ongoing
This European research project seeks to improve the position of elderly people living independently in European societies. The goal is to improve their social inclusion and to better understand their potential for personal growth. The research focuses specifically on their social needs and their need for a meaningful life.
The knowledge produced by the research will serve as input for the development of training programmes for various (occupational) groups: volunteers and professionals in care and welfare, as well as managers and policy makers.
The University of Humanistic Studie) is responsible for the conceptual studies and a state-of-the-art analysis with respect to the elderly’s social needs, need for a meaningful life, talents and dreams of elderly people.
All reports and training programmes will be made available in Dutch, English, Spanish, German and Italian via the website:
- Prof. Anja Machielse
- Prof. Liesbeth de Donder
- Prof .Sarah Dury
- Prof. Maurice de Greef
- Prof. Margerita di Paolo
- Prof. Tinie Kardol
- Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Brussels, Belgium
- Universita degli Studi del Molise, Campobasso, Italy
- Fundacion Instituto Gerontologico Matia-Ingema, Spain
- Stichting Leerstoel Bevordering Active Ageing, Netherlands
- bbb Büro für Berufliche Bildungsplanung R. Klein & Partner GbR, Germany
- Stichting Humanitas, Rotterdam, Netherlands
- Het BuurtPensioen, Brussels
This project is funded by the European Commission through the programme Key Action 2: Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices.
Publications and results
- Rapport 1: SEEing social and meaning needs, talents and dreams of older adults, receiving (informal) care
- Rapport 2: Optimising caregiving competences and skills of professional, volunteer and informal caregivers
- Rapport 3: Good practices on ‘social inclusion through meaningful ageing’ - An analysis of six case studies in Europe
- See Mee workshop for professionals (UvH Academie)
- Toolkit / Training manual SEE ME
See also
New project SEE ME: To see the older person behind the client
Prof. Anja Machielse,
This European research is aimed at improving the position of elderly people living independently. The aim is to improve the social inclusion of older people and to gain insight into their potential for personal growth.