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Integrating chaplaincy in primary healthcare in 3 multidisciplinary practices (completed)

  • Duration: 2019-2022
  • Status: completed

Many patients visit their General Practitioners with complaints and problems that would actually best be served through a meaningful conversation. But how can a GP determine whether to conduct this conversation personally, or to refer the patient to another care provider? And what role can a chaplain have here? To answer these questions, 3 GP centres in Amsterdam, Rotterdam and Utrecht are observed for an extended period. 


The goal is to develop a referral tool for GPs with which to accommodate existential issues in primary health care. Additionally, the study examines whether chaplaincy care truly helps the patients, how collaboration in this discipline can be improved, and how other centres can learn from these three GP centres.

The study is performed by the UvH and the applied sciences universities of VIAA and Windesheim. This is subproject 3 of the Palliatief Landelijk Onderzoek Eerstelijns Geestelijke verzorging (PLOEG), part of the ZonMw programme Palliantie. Meer dan zorg.



  • VIAA Christian University of Applied Sciences
  • Windesheim University of Applied Sciences


This project is supported by funding through ZonMw, part of the Dutch Research Council (Nederlandse Organisatie voor Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek, NWO).

Also see


Prof.dr. Carlo Leget,

Many patients visit their General Practitioners with complaints and problems that would actually best be served through a meaningful conversation. But how can a GP determine whether to conduct this conversation personally, or to refer the patient to another care provider?