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Family participation in dementia care (completed)

  • Duration: 2019-2022
  • Status: completed

Family can fulfil an important role in nursing home care for elderly people with dementia. But what can one ask of a relative, and what would be asking too much? This empirical-ethical study examines how relatives experience participation in nursing home care, to what extent they feel moral pressure, and how this pressure can be avoided.


Through interviews, conversations and observations, the researchers show what family members are uncomfortable with. The researchers then examine how all stakeholders can better cope with this ‘moral unease’. The results will serve to develop a tool with which caregivers and family can jointly determine a suitable form and extent of family participation.

The full title of this research project is Family involvement in dementia special care units. From moral perils to well-balanced practices of collaboration. It is part of the ZonMw-programme  Ethiek en Gezondheid 3 (Ethics and Health 3).


  • Nina Hovenga, MSc (UMCG, projectleider)
  • Dr. Elleke Landeweer (UMCG)
  • Prof. Sytze Zuidema (UMCG)
  • Prof. Carlo Leget (UvH)


University Network Elderly Care, University Medical Center Groningen


This project is supported by funding through ZonMw.

Also see


Prof. Carlo Leget,

This empirical-ethical study examines how relatives experience participation in nursing home care, to what extent they feel moral pressure, and how this pressure can be avoided.