DIAMAND: improving the dialogue model in the palliative phase (completed)
- Duration: 2018-2021
- Status: completed
The study seeks to bring together patients, relatives and carers in a dialogue on what is valuable, what are sources of support and strength, and which choices suit the palliative phase.
The study focuses on 5 groups of patients staying at home, in a hospital or nursing home: people of a Dutch cultural background who are still competent, people of the same background but with early stages of dementia, and people of Turkish, Moroccan and Surinamese backgrounds.
In discussion with the target groups, we shall refine and adapt a frequently used dialogue model, the ‘ars moriendi’ model, to make it more suitable for different groups of patients. Our research methods consist of questionnaires, focus groups, interviews and observations. We will also train caregivers to conduct the dialogues effectively.
The full (translated) title of this study is Dialogue based on the Ars Moriendi model for native and immigrant Dutch people and people with dementia. It is part of the ZonMw programme Palliantie. Meer dan zorg (Palliative Care: more than care).
- Prof. dr. Carlo Leget (project leader)
- Marieke Potma
- Marc Haufe
- Prof. Saskia Teunissen (University Medical Center Utrecht)
UMC Utrecht(Co-)financing
This project is supported by funding through ZonMw.
Article + publication downloads at ZonMw (in Dutch)
Prof. Carlo Leget, C.Leget@UvH.nl.
The study seeks to bring together patients, relatives and carers in a dialogue on what is valuable, what are sources of support and strength, and which choices suit the palliative phase.