Dr. Wouter Sanderse
Assistant Professor of Education
After studying Business Communication and Philosophy, I received my PhD in 2012 on the relevance of Aristotelian ethics for moral education in education. After that, I worked for eight years as a researcher on Teachers' Professional Ethics at Fontys Universities of Applied Sciences. I combined this position with teaching and research appointments at various universities, including the Jubilee for Character and Virtues in Birmingham, England. From September 2018, I work as an assistant professor of Education at the University of Humanistic Studies, where I focus on philosophical questions concerning education and upbringing, specifically on the (character) formation of children and adolescents and on the ethics of professionals.
Areas of interest: professional ethics (of teachers), virtue ethics, moral development and education, role modelling, Socratic dialogue.
Between September 2021 and April 2023, I led the research and development project "Exemplary Bildung in vmbo'. More information can be found here.
Books (written or edited)
- Dalenberg, S., Dekker-Prinsen, I., Folkerts, I. Klinkert, W., Sanderse, W. & Tieskens, R. (Eds.) (2023). Officiersvorming in klare taal. Leiden University Press.
- Sanderse, W. & Kole, J. (red.) (2018). Karakter. Deugden voor professionals. Leusden: ISVW
- Sanderse, W. (red.) (2017). Lezen voor het leven. Deugden in de wereldliteratuur. Leusden: ISVW.
- Arthur, J., Kristjansson, K., Harrison, T., Sanderse, W, & Wright, D. (2016). Teaching character and virtue in schools. Londen: Routledge.
- Sanderse, W. (2013). Leraren met karakter. Een deugdenbenadering van de beroepsethiek van de leraar (lectorale rede). Eindhoven: Fontys.
- Sanderse, W. (2012). Character education. A neo-Aristotelian approach to the philosophy, psychology and education of virtue (proefschrift). Delft: Eburon.
- Sanderse, W. & Zweerde, E. van der (red.) (2012). Denkruimte. Reflecties op universitaire idealen en praktijken. Nijmegen: Valkhof Pers.
Some recent academic papers:
- Sanderse, W. (Early View). Adolescents' moral self-cultivation through emulation: Implications for modelling in moral education. Journal of Moral Education.
- Sanderse, W. (forthcoming). Should teachers use Platonic or Aristotelian dialogues for the moral education of young people? Journal of Philosophy of Education. DOI: 10.1093/jopedu/qhad045.
- Sanderse, W. (2021). Vocational education and Bildung: A marriage or divorce. Journal of Vocational Education and Training. doi.org/10.1080/13636820.2021.2015714
- Stekelenburg, L., C. Smerecnik, Sanderse, W. & Ruyter, D. de (2023).How do students use their ethical compasses during intership? An empirical study among students of university of applied sciences. International Journal of Ethics Education 8, 211-240.
- Stekelenburg, L, Ruyter, D. de & Sanderse, W. (2021). Equipping students with an ethical compass. What does it mean, and what does it imply? Ethics & Education 16(1), 91-107
- Sanderse, W. (2019) Being Prepared to Become a Moral Teacher: UK Teachers’ Experiences of Initial Teacher Education. Scandinavian Journal of Educational Research 65(2), 226-239.
- Stekelenburg, L., Smerecnik, S., Sanderse, W. & Ruyter, D. de (2020). ‘What do you mean by ethical compass?’ Bachelor students’ ideas about being a moral professional. Empirical Research in Vocational Education and Training 12(1), 1-20.
- Sanderse, W. (2020). Does Aristotle believe that habituation is only for children? Journal of Moral Education 49(1), 98-110.
- Sanderse, W. & Hijsse, B. (2020). Bildung in het hbo. Opvattingen van docenten over hun taak in de vorming van studenten. Pedagogiek, 40, 23-44.
For a full overview, see Google Scholar.
Chair of the university's Education Committee