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Prof.dr. Wiel Veugelers

Wiel Veugelers

Emeritus Professor of Education




Professor Dr. Wiel Veugelers studied developmental psychology at the University of Amsterdam. From 1979 till may 2015 he was working at the Graduate School of Teaching and Learning of the University of Amsterdam, recently as associate professor. Since 2002 he has a chair as Professor of education at the University of Humanistic Studies in Utrecht, in particular in the area of sense giving and humanity and on humanist ethical education (HVO).

His research and teaching is in the areas of citizenship education, moral development, teachers’ pedagogical professionalism, educational change, networking between educational institutions, identity and citizenship development, youth studies and youth subcultures.

He has been supervising major research projects and phd studies in the areas of moral development, citizenship education, multicultural education, educational change, cooperation of educational institutes, and youth development. He has received research grants of the Dutch Organisation for Scientific Research (NWO); The Ministries of Education, Law and Social Affairs; the National Pedagogical Centres, The National Curriculum Development Institute, etc.

He is coordinating several international academic networks:

– The network ‘Education for Democratic Intercultural Citizenship (EDIC) in which eight European universities work together in education and research. This network is funded by the European Erasmus Programme.

– International Networks for Democratic Education (INDE) in which worldwide ten school- university networks work together.

He has been programme-chair of the AERA SIG Moral Development and Education and is now the chair of this SIG. He was founder and president of the EARLI SIG Moral and Democratic Education, is president of the Division Education and Society of the Dutch Educational Research Association (VOR) and a member of the general board of the Dutch Educational Research Association.