Dialogics of Justice: Assessing Recognition as a Process of Resonance
- Start project: August 2020
- Status: under preparation
Nicole Immler received a Vici grant from NWO for her research proposal on ‘Dialogics of Justice’, an investigation into (legal) reparation practices after human rights violations: when do people feel recognised? This will enable her to form a team of four researchers for the coming 5 years who will follow civil court cases concerning transitional justice in and outside the Netherlands.
Over the last decade, we have witnessed a growing demand for recognition by victims of colonial violence, failed peace missions, sexual abuse and ecocide worldwide. This recognition of suffering is increasingly looked at in legal terms and then resolved with financial compensation. However, do those procedures provide the recognition and the repair these claimants hope for?
Through empirical research - in the Netherlands, Indonesia, Nigeria, Bosnia and other places - this project studies the social dimension of recognition claims to answer the urgent need for more knowledge on making recognition procedures more effective. The key aim is to reach beyond an individualised victim-approach and to address also the structural aspects of injustices, by examining the dialogue between claimants and accused institutions, such as the state, the military, the church and multinationals.
This project studies recognition claims as a call for dialogue, which emphasizes the social dimension of recognition.
- Dr. Nicole Immler
- Niké Wentholt
- Marrit Woudwijk
- Naomi Omskerk
- Obiozo Ukpabi
- Luna Bonvie
- Prof. Harmut Rosa, Theoretical Sociology, University Jena, Max-Weber-Kolleg Erfurt
- Prof. Paul Gready, Applied Human Rights, University of York, UK
- Prof. Rianne Letschert, Centre for Victimology, Tilburg/Maastricht University
- Prof. Elazar Barkan, Historical Dialogues, Justice, and Memory Network, Columbia University, New York
- NIOD, Amsterdam
- Dr. Frederiek de Vlaming, War Reparation Centre, Amsterdam University
Financed by
This project has received a grant from the NWO Talent Programme Vici.
Anticipated results
3 PhDs, Monograph , Special Issue, Report, ToolkitSee also
- Prestigious Vici grant for Nicole Immler for research on transitional justice (news item)
- Project website Dialogics of Justice
Nicole Immler, N.Immler@uvh.nl.
Nicole Immler received a Vici grant from NWO for her research proposal on ‘The Dialogics of Justice’, an investigation into (legal)) reparation practices after human rights violations: when do people feel recognized?