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Moving forward together after the Covid crisis

Status: ongoing
Date: 1-12-2023 until 1-9-2024

The COVID-19 restrictions led to far-reaching ethical issues within inpatient residential care facilities for people with severe or profound intellectual and/or multiple disabilities (PIMD). This caused a lot of uncertainty, stress, powerlessness and frustration, both in the primary process and in policy-making. It also put pressure on collaboration and alignment, which are crucial in the care for this vulnerable group. 

In this care ethical case study, we examine how in three residential care facilities for people with PIMD relationships and attunement are shaped after the corona crisis. Thereby we pay special attention to the impact of stories about the corona crisis, told by relatives, care professionals, behavioural experts, managers, executives and policymakers. The aim is to understand how cooperation in the care of people with PIMD can be shaped in a way that 1) does justice to everyone involved and 2) endures in the current labour market as well as in future crisis situation.


Wietske Verhagen, junior onderzoeker
Gustaaf Bos, docent- onderzoeker

The COVID-19 restrictions led to far-reaching ethical issues within inpatient residential care facilities for people with severe or profound intellectual and/or multiple disabilities (PIMD). In this care ethical case study, we examine how in three residential care facilities for people with PIMD relationships and attunement are shaped after the corona crisis.