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PhD Defence Susan Hupkens: At home with meaning

10May 2021

On Thursday 29 April Susan Hupkens defended her dissertation At home with meaning: Older persons’ meaning in life, good home nursing and nurse education. Her dissertation is about the meaning of life of elderly people and the way in which the home care workers can connect to this. It also evaluates an educational programme provided by spiritual counsellors. This practice-oriented research aims to contribute to good care for the elderly and to education for care workers. 

Susan Hupkens works at the Rotterdam University of Applied Sciences. She started her career as a nurse. She has years of experience in health care education. In 2009, she graduated as a health scientist (public health). Since her graduation, she has worked on various projects of the Knowledge Centre for Care Innovation in the field of participation, care for the elderly, quality of life and work of the University of Applied Sciences. She also studied at the Graduate School of the University of Humanistic Studies.

You can find a summary and download the full publication at

Read also (in Dutch): Hoe thuiszorgmedewerkers goede zorg kunnen bieden die aansluit bij zingeving van ouderen

On Thursday 29 April Susan Hupkens defended her dissertation At home with meaning: Older persons’ meaning in life, good home nursing and nurse education.