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Five strenghts that play a role within spiritual palliative care

26 October 2020

Fostering spiritual or existential strength is often mentioned as very important within spiritual palliative care. But when it comes to these strengths, are we aware enough of what they entail? Read the blog that Marc Haufe wrote for the European Association for Palliative Care. Marc is PhD researcher spiritual care at the Care Ethics department of the University of Humanistic Studies.

Marc Haufe works on the so called DIAMAND project, a research project that aims to further develop spiritual conversation skills of professional working in palliative care. It is funded by ZonMW and is a collaboration between the University of Humanistic Studies (Carlo Leget, Marieke Potma and Marc Haufe) and the University Medical Centre of Utrecht (Saskia Teunissen). Within the context of the DIAMAND project, his research team identified five distinct spiritual strengths in the recent literature that patients and professionals can foster in various ways. In his blog he explains more about these five strenghts.

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Fostering spiritual or existential strength is often mentioned as very important within spiritual palliative care. But when it comes to these strengths, are we aware enough of what they entail? Read the blog that Marc Haufe wrote for the European Association for Palliative Care. Marc is PhD researcher spiritual care at the Care Ethics department of the University of Humanistic Studies.