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High ratings in National Student Survey 2022

31 mei 2022

Students at the University for Humanistic Studies are once again satisfied with their study programme, according to the results of the National Student Survey 2022 (NSE). The university is rated above the national average for most themes. Students appreciate the content, are happy with the expertise and commitment of the lecturers and feel inspired and challenged when learning. However, last year they did have more trouble with the study pressure.

The National Student Survey (NSE) is an annual large-scale survey among students about their experiences with the quality of study programmes at universities of applied sciences and universities. Since 2021, the survey is carried out in a renewed form. The response rate among students at the University of Humanistic Studies was relatively high this year as well: 45 percent of students participated, compared to a national average of 30 percent.

Students at the University for Humanistic Studies have rated their studies higher than the national average for many years in a row, and that is also the case this year. In 2022, on a scale of 1 to 5, they rated their study programme in general at 4.06, compared to the national average of 3.88. The atmosphere was rated at 4.56, compared to the national average of 4.01. The atmosphere gets a 4.56, compared to the national average of 4.01. And 4.29 on a scale of 5 indicates that they would choose the study programme again based on their experiences to date.

This year, students are less satisfied than in previous years with the testing and assessment. This is still comparable to the national average, but lower than other years. The study pressure deserves special attention: 52 percent thought this was just right, while last year this was 61 percent.

Rector Joke van Saane: "Of course we will take a good look at this, together with the teachers and students. The past two years have not been the easiest; the constant switching between the lockdowns has demanded a lot from us. I am very happy with the openness and appreciation of the students, and the involvement and commitment of our lecturers."

Take a look at the fact sheet with an overview of the questions and scores:

PDF fileDownload fact sheet

Students at the University for Humanistic Studies are once again satisfied with their study programme, according to the results of the National Student Survey 2022 (NSE). The university is rated above the national average for most themes.