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Positive book review on ´Ageing, Meaning and Social Structure´

In the January issue of the journal Ageing & Society (Cambridge University Press), Marvin Formosa of the University of Malta wrote a positive review on the book Ageing, Meaning and Social Structure, edited by Jan Baars and Joseph Dohmen of the University of Humanistic Studies and Amanda Grenier and Chris Phillipson: “This publication has much to offer to contemporary theorising and empirical understanding of what it means to grow old in societies experiencing a transition to a ‘late’ modern stage of capitalism.”

Ageing, Meaning and Social Structure is a compilation of academic perspectives on ageing, that are elaborated theoretically and examined practically in case studies. It makes a major contribution to understanding key social and ethical dilemmas facing ageing societies. It confronts and integrates approaches that have been relatively isolated from each other, and interrelates two major streams of thought within critical gerontology: analyses of structural issues in the context of political economy and humanistic perspectives on issues of existential meaning.

The book is the result of many years of collaboration between researchers of the University of Humanistic Studies and the research group of Social Gerontology at the university of Keele, that was headed by professor Chris Phillipson.

As Formosa writes: “I certainly recommend this book at both undergraduate and postgraduate levels of study within the wide variety of social scientific disciplines, as well as for students following health-care degrees or modules with an interest in ageing studies. This publication has much to offer to contemporary theorising and empirical understanding of what it means to grow old in societies experiencing a transition to a ‘late’ modern stage of capitalism.”

Ageing & Society is an interdisciplinary and international journal of Cambridge University Press devoted to the understanding of human ageing and the circumstances of older people in their social and cultural contexts. It draws contributions and has readers from many academic social science disciplines, and from clinical medicine and the humanities. See also book review

Jan Baars, Joseph Dohmen, Amanda Grenier and Chris Phillipson (eds), Ageing, Meaning and Social Structure: connecting Critical and Humanistic Gerontology, Policy Press, Bristol, UK, 2013:

In the January issue of the journal Ageing & Society (Cambridge University Press), Marvin Formosa of the University of Malta wrote a positive review on the book Ageing, Meaning and Social Structure, edited by Jan Baars and Joseph Dohmen of the University of Humanistic Studies and Amanda Grenier and Chris Phillipson: “This publication has much to offer to contemporary theorising and empirical understanding of what it means to grow old in societies experiencing a transition to a ‘late’ modern stage of capitalism.”