UvH Yearly Conference - Participatory Research for Social Wellbeing

Participatory research for social well-being
Social well-being is building, sharing, and maintaining meaningful interactions with others. It fosters the feeling of being recognized and a sense of connectedness and belonging. In Western society, people may become isolated or marginalized for different reasons, such as legal procedures that put restrictions on participation in society; new technologies that are difficult to handle for people with low literacy or learning difficulties; and restricted social images of the good life. Participatory research approaches provide opportunities for co-developing processes with people rather than for people. Their emphasis is on people’s lived experiences, the co-construction of knowledge, and individual and social change. This conference addresses important questions such as: what does participation in research mean? How can we develop research designs and use research methods that are participatory? What is the impact of participatory research and how do we find out?
09.45: Welcome by dr. Femmianne Bredewold
09.50: Short introduction by Professor Gaby Jacobs
09.55: Keynote lecture by Professor Tina Cook
Making an impact: Participatory action research and the role of creative disruption.
10.40: Short response & plenary discussion
11.00: Break
11.20: Paper and poster sessions
12.30: Lunch
13.30: Keynote lecture by Professor Marguerite Daniel
Exploring how reciprocal learning in mentoring programmes for refugees can promote social well-being.
14.15: Short response & plenary discussion
15.05: Break
15.25: Paper and poster sessions
16.30: Closing & drinks
During this conference Graduate School PhD participants are invited to present their research plan.
All GS 1 PhD candidates present a poster; GS 2+ participants are welcome to present their findings in parallel paper sessions. Morning and afternoon sessions are open for all.
We are looking forward to welcoming you on April 5th!
Sign up
Program and Poster Presentation schedule
Keynote speakers
Marguerite Daniel is professor of development-related health promotion at the Faculty of Psychology, University of Bergen, Norway. Marguerite is director of the department’s International Master’s programme: Global Development Theory and Practice. Marguerite’s theoretical approach is strengths based and includes resilience, salutogenesis and positive deviance. She is a member of the Global Working Group on Salutogenesis. She has current research projects on refugee integration in Norway; and with vulnerable children and youth in South Africa, Botswana and Ghana.
Tina Cook was Professor of Education at Liverpool Hope University and now holds an honorary professorial title. Prior to moving to Liverpool Hope she was a Reader in Inclusive Methodologies at Northumbria University. Tina is the lead coordinator of the UK Participatory Research Network, an Editor of the International Journal Educational Action Research and was instrumental in establishing and developing the work of the International Collaboration for Participatory Health Research. She recently spent six years as an international advisor supporting the development of participatory research and the articulation of its impact for a German Federal Ministry of Education and Research funded project, PartKommPlus. The aim of PartKommPlus was to create integrated health care pathways across Germany.
At the core of her work is a focus on developing democratic approaches for research and professional practice. Her work centres on ways of fore-fronting voices of those directly involved in a situation as a means of improving the quality of their lives or work. Her substantive research focus is with people who find themselves marginalised, particularly people with learning disability, people with cognitive impairment, and their family members. She has widely published on methodological issues in relation to the quality and impact of participatory research approaches.
Location | University of Humanistic Studies |
events@uvh.nl | |
Date | 5-4-2023 |
Opening hours | 10.00 -17.00 |