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Repeated due to success: Ritual Grandma's Colonial Kitchen

This summer, an exhibition is hanging in our building about the colonial past of the properties on Kromme Nieuwegracht, and in particular our own building at number 29. Linked to this, students together with the Dialogics of Justice research group developed the ritual Grandma's Colonial Kitchen. 

"In the ritual Grandma's Colonial Kitchen, we will use everyday smells from my white grandmother's Dutch kitchen to experience how our colonial past is still present in the present," says UvH student Jake Smit. The ritual is a means of experiencing the relationship between the everyday (our daily food) and the suffering caused by Dutch colonial rule. Witnesses are invited to read passages about and experience the smells of coffee, tea, cloves and nutmeg.

The ritual was first performed on 14 June. Due to its success, the exhibition has been extended and the ritual will be repeated on 30 August at 5pm. Prior to the ritual, there will also be another guided tour of the exhibition by Farach Winter.


  • 16.30 Tour of exhibition "The Multivocal Colonial Past on the Kromme Nieuwegracht"'       
  • 17.00 Performance ritual "Grandma's Colonial Kitchen"  
  • 17.30 After-dinner discussion and drinks

Contact person Jake Smit en Limor Reshef
Location Kromme Nieuwegracht 29
Date 30-8-2023
Opening hours 16.30 - 18.00 uur