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Knowledge Festival 2023 of the Centre on Meaning of Life Issues

Save the date: The Knowledge Festival of the Centre on Meaning of Life Issues will take place on this day. Further information will follow. 

As of 1 October 2021, the University of Humanistic Studies has teamed up with the University of Groningen, the Protestant Theological University and 12 other social and scientific partners to establish an expertise centre on meaning-of-life issues and chaplaincy (Dutch name: Kenniswerkplaats Zingeving en Geestelijke Verzorging). As of 1 October 2022, the expertise centre  has expanded to include  Zorg voor Zingeving Thuis (Care for Meaning at Home) and seven more new partners have joined.

The centre serves to increase a general awareness of meaning-of-life issues and to further professionalise chaplaincy services at home and care for meaning in primary care and the social domain. The project receives funding from the ZonMw programme 'Zingeving en Geestelijke verzorging'. 

Contact person Jorika Baarda
Location Ntb
Date 24-11-2023
Opening hours Information will follow.