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Recap of a succesfull Recognition and Rewards Festival

20 April 2023 

On Thursday the 13th of April 2023 the third Recognition & Rewards Festival took place. This time live at the University of Humanistic Studies in Utrecht. It was the first time the Recognition and Rewards programme was able to host an in-person festival. During the festival there was ample room for dialogue about the central theme ‘Rethinking Assessment’.

Looking back on the festival, a report was written covering the plenary programme. You can find it on 

Also, an aftermovie was made to give a glimpse of the day.

On Thursday the 13th of April 2023 the third Recognition & Rewards Festival took place. This time live at the University of Humanistic Studies in Utrecht. It was the first time the Recognition and Rewards programme was able to host an in-person festival. During the festival there was ample room for dialogue about the central theme ‘Rethinking Assessment’, also with Robbert Dijkgraaf, minister of Science and Education.