drs. Bram van Boxtel
Juniorlecturer / Dissertational Student
Studied Bachelor and Master Humanistic Studies at The UvH (2012-2019) and Philosophy at the University of Amsterdam (2018-2019).
As a doctoral student, I use Hartmut Rosa's theory of resonance as a framework to think through the humanist account of subjectivity. In doing so, I engage with a broad range of philosophers that engage with responsive relationships to alterity: from the existential-phenomenology of Arendt and Levinas, to more contemporary work done on the diacritical hermeneutics of Kearney and Nancy's deconstruction.
Scientific Publications:
Boxtel, B., de Groot, I., Ten Kate, L., Suarez-Muller, F. (2023). Towards an Existential-Phenomenological Account of Plurality: Resonance as Responsive Relationity. Religions, 14(3) (Forthcoming)
Popular Publications:
Te snel voor God? Waarom Theologen Rosa Moeten Lezen.
Research Portal University of Humanistic Studies