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European – Dutch

Gender Equality Index Score for the Netherlands, 2023
The Netherlands ranks second on the gender equality ranking, behind Sweden. With this, the Netherlands has moved up one spot in the last two years. This is mainly due to improvements in the situation of women in salary and economic position. At the same time, there is still work to be done in the domains 'Knowledge' and 'Work', compared to other European countries.Netherlands ranks third place for gender equality, behind Sweden en Denmark. 

European - Dutch comparison

Gender Equality Index Score for the Netherlands, 2021
Netherlands ranks third place for gender equality with a score of 75,9, behind Sweden en Denmark.

Gender Equality Index Score: 77,9 for the Netherlands in 2023

Gender Equality Index Indicators Work and Knowledge, 2023

Gender Equality Index Indicators 2023 Work

Gender Equality Index Indicators Knowledge, 2023

See for  more information on Gender in Research the website of the European Institute for Gender Equality

Dutch benchmark

University of Humanistic Studies, composition of work force (scientific and non-scientific staff), men/women division in %.

  • 2017: men 35,3%, women 64,7%
  • 2018: men 35,8 %, women 64,2%
  • 2019: men 36,9%, women 63,1 %
  • 2020: men 37,7%, women 62,3%

National workforce

Universities in the Netherlands, reported data (WOPI cijfers), men/women ratio in %:

  • 2017: men 55,7%, women 44,3%
  • 2018: men 53,2 %, women 46,8%
  • 2019: men 52,7%, women 47.3 %
  • 2020: men 52%, women 48%

Dutch Network of Women Professors

The Dutch Network of Women Professors (Landelijk Netwerk Vrouwelijke Hoogleraren, LNVH) aims to promote and sustain equal representation of women in academia, works towards the betterment of the position of women of all backgrounds and pushes for an inclusive and safe academic community.

Quotes from the Women Professors Monitor 2023:

Page 2: 

'In the previous Monitor we sounded the alarm. We did so in part to call attention to the alarming decline in the growth of the percentage of female professors. With only 1.0 percentage points, we observed the lowest growth in the past eight years. No better news in this Monitor on that front: once again we see a decline in the growth of the proportion of female professors. In this Monitor, with 0.9 percentage point growth, we do not exceed last year's low record. This must and can be improved.

In recent years, the LNVH called for a focus on the entry and advancement of women in job categories other 

than that of professor, and to pay attention to ensuring a well-stocked "breeding pool. Accordingly, we are fortunate to see an increase in the proportion of female associate professors and associate professors for the second year in a row. For the first time, the proportion of female UDs is even higher than the proportion of female PhDs. A remarkable development .


We would also like to draw attention to women in academic management in this Monitor. We see an increase in some places, but decrease in many others. An important development that deserves to be closely monitored.'

Page 39:

At the University of Humanistic Studies (UvH), a total of 9 professors were employed at the end of 2022, including 8 women and 1 man. In terms of FTE, this is 7.8 of which 6.8 are filled by female professors and 1.0 by male professors. The University of Humanistic Studies (UvH) thus has 87.2% female professors (in fte).

Our university compared to European and national benchmarks for gender equality.