New guide on advanced care planning
29 June 2023
Healthcare professionals can now make use of a guide on proactive or advanced care planning in long-term care. This guide was developed by a multidisciplinary working group, in which researcher Susanne van den Hooff participated on behalf of the University of Humanistic Studies. Care professionals will find tools in the new guide to apply proactive care planning. This allows them to provide care that suits the wishes of clients.
What is advanced care planning?
Advanced care planning is the process of thinking ahead, planning and organising. Proactive care planning is a continuous and dynamic process of conversations between care providers and clients/neighbours about current and future life goals and choices and what care fits them now and in the future.
People with complex care needs who receive long-term care often face deterioration in many areas. For caregivers, it is a challenging task to provide care that matches what these clients value and contributes to quality of life. Advanced care planning supports caregivers in this part of care provision.
Multidisciplinary instrument
Stichting Kwaliteitsimpuls Langdurige Zorg (SKILZ) started developing a quality instrument around Adnaced Care Planning in long-term care in 2021. The guideline and recommendations are based on the latest insights from scientific research and experiences from the field. Thanks to the joint input of Verenso, NVAVG, V&VN, NIP, BPSW, VGVZ, NVO and the University of Humanistic Studies, the guideline has acquired a multidisciplinary character that matches the needs from practice.
More information
The guide Proactieve zorgplanning in de langdurige zorg en aanvullende informatie is available in Dutch via
On 22 June 2023, a guide on Advanced Care Planning in long-term care was published. Susanne van den Hooff contributed to it.