Recognition & Rewards Festival
Theme ‘Rethinking Assessment’
This year the Recognition & Rewards Festival has a special focus on ‘Rethinking Assessment’. In our broad movement on a different way of recognising and rewarding in academia, questions arise on ‘how’ to do so. How can we implement our ambitions? On which basis will we assess research, teaching, teamwork and so on? How do we ensure the quality of assessment? And how do assessment and development relate to each other? There is a big international movement regarding Reforming Research Assessment. But what are the main developments in the other domains of academia?
The festival kicks off at the Pieterkerk in Utrecht with a warm welcome by Joke van Saane, Rector magnificus of the University of Humanistic Studies, and our host of the day Eveline van Rijswijk. We then continue with a plenary table discussion on Rethinking Excellence with, among others, Onur Sahin, Marieke Adriaanse and Yarin Eski.
Following the plenary opening, we move on to two rounds of workshops. The workshops provide insight into the day’s theme 'Rethinking Assessment'. We will conclude the day with a plenary session covering the highlights of the day. This will be followed by closing drinks where it will be possible to continue the dialogue and meet other participants.
About the Recognition & Rewards Festival
The Recognition & Rewards Festival is primarily a live event. However, the plenary sessions will be streamed online as well. Workshops can solely be attended in person. The language used at the Recognition & Rewards Festival will be English and admission will be free.
The festival is organised by the Recognition & Rewards Programme, a partnership between the Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences (KNAW), the Netherlands Federation of University Medical Centres (NFU), the Dutch Denominational Universities (NLU), the Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research (NWO), the of Universities of the Netherlands (UNL) and the Netherlands Organisation for Health Research and Development (ZonMw).
Location | Pieterskerk, Utrecht |
Web site | |
Date | 13-4-2023 |
Opening hours | 9.00 - 17.00 |