dr. Sebastian Abdallah
Assistant Professor of Social Work
0031 621156070
Sebastian is a community worker, an Arabist and a sociologist. He works as an assistant professor of Social Work at the University of Humanistic Studies in Utrecht, the Netherlands. His teaching and research focus on developing expertise in working with young people. He emphasizes interactionist dynamics, experience, emotion and embodied engagement at the microlevel, and developing influence and power at the mezzo- and macrolevels. He is (co-)author of various publications, including a book of insights and applications for a social-developmental approach of talent, under the Dutch title “Talentgericht werken” (2016), and a Dutch practical guide that translates as “Arranging youth agency for social change” (2023). He has contributed chapters to leading Dutch books in the field that translate as Textbook Social Work (2024), Contemplating Social Work (2021), Social Resistance work (2021) and What Works (2012). He obtained his PhD at the University of Amsterdam, defending his dissertation "Struggles for success. Youth work rituals in Amsterdam and Beirut" (2017). He has been on the editorial board for a Dutch platform for Social Issues named 'Sociale Vraagstukken' since 2018.
Sebastian has designed educational programs in Social Change & Action, Socio-Cultural Issues, and Critical Youth Studies. In the field, he partners with Combiwel, Dock, Young in Prison, the Richard Krajicek Foundation, the Salvation Army, Sociaal Cement, Criminal Minded, Stichting Sitara and independent entrepreneurs. Internationally, he is affiliated with Antwerp University, Boston University and the American University of Beirut.
Sebastian led a study for the Amsterdam Centre of Expertise for Inequality with Monique Volman (University of Amsterdam) called “Arranging agency . Creating space for young people as changemakers” (2022-2023). In this study, they investigated how young people developed ownership and agency at five organizations in the field of youth development, and what they needed from their environment to achieve that. Research partners were Verwey-Jonker Institute and the Alexander Foundation. Main results were changed youth development approaches in the participating field organizations, research reports, a literature study and a practical guide to provide policymakers and field organizations in education and the youth domain with tools to involve teenagers and young people more actively in decision-making and development of organizations and society.
Until the end of 2024, Sebastian will coordinate the project “Library of Stories of In-between-ness. Narrative approach in the youth sector by young people navigating between worlds (2022-2024). Jacomijne Prins (lectorate Youth and Society, Hogeschool InHolland), Elena Ponzoni (Vrije Universiteit) and Sebastian investigate experiences of 'in-betweenness' with field organizations Sociaal Cement, Criminal Minded, Stichting Sitara and young people. These stories’ images, audio and texts are organized in an online library. The young people involved will develop a masterclass to teach adult professionals and policy makers to improve their competencies in working with young people.
Sebastian has a book contract with Oxford University Press under the working title “Interaction rituals in youth development” for the series Social Justice and Youth Community Practice. This project offers a critical analysis of the structural quandaries of youth inequality as well as a design for improvement. This research focuses on youth work and social initiatives in Amsterdam and Beirut.
An interactionist youth development approach entails attention to the rhythms, embodied copresence, emotional energy, attention spaces, shared moods, and contextual embeddedness of interactants. Sebastian identifies constructive rituals, reflecting the main immediate contexts for young people to experience hope and success. Such experiences have restorative effects for young people suffering from an abundance of debilitating rituals of adversity and discouragement.
This project develops the interactionist perspective into a well-founded approach to improve the lives of marginalized young people in urban areas. It relates micro-dynamics to macro-realities and examines possibilities for social change. The research shows possibilities for wide application across varying contexts of community work, professional care and education. Publication is planned in 2026.
Abdallah, S. (2024). Sport, spel en beweging in sociaal werk [Sports, games, and movement in social work]. In Spierings, F. & Spierts, M. (red.). Basisboek sociaal werk. Activeren, ondersteunen, verbinden. Vijfde druk. (pp. 359-373). Boom.
Abdallah, S. (2021). Energie en belichaming in interactie [Energy and embodiment in interaction]. In P. Raeymaeckers, J. Gradener, S. Van Dam, S. Botman, K. Driessens, J. Boxstaens & M. Tirions (Eds.), Denken over sociaal werk: samenleving, rechtvaardigheid, praktijk (pp. 183-200). Acco.
Abdallah, S. (2018). Jongerenwerk, remedie tegen geweld en drugs [Youth work, remedy against violence and drugs]. Tijdschrift voor Sociale Vraagstukken. Retrieved from: https://www.socialevraagstukken.nl/jongerenwerk-remedie-tegen-geweld-en-drugs/
Abdallah, S. (2017). Struggles for success. Youth work rituals in Amsterdam and Beirut (PhD dissertation). University of Amsterdam. Retrieved from www.dare.uva.nl/search?field1=keyword;value1=abdallah;docsPerPage=1;startDoc=1
Abdallah, S. (2008). Online Chatting in Beirut: Sites of Occasioned Identity-Construction. Ethnographic Studies, Special Issue. Media, Wars and Identities: Broadcasting Islam, Muslims and the Middle East. Part 2.(10), 3-22.
Abdallah, S. & Kaulingfreks, F. (2021). Breekijzers en botte bijlen. Culturele expressie in het jongerenwerk, op hún voowaarden [Cultural expression in youth work programs, on their terms]. In R. de Brabander, F. Kaulingfreks & M. Ham (Eds.), Sociaal weerwerk. Maatschappelijke betrokkenheid in zorg en welzijn. (pp. 151-171). Van Gennep.
Abdallah, S., & Kooijmans, M. (2021). Het diepere verhaal van rellende jongeren en het jongerenwerk [The deep story of rioting young people and youth work]. Tijdschrift voor Sociale Vraagstukken(1), 40-43.
Abdallah, S., Kooijmans, M., & Sonneveld, J. (2016). Talentgericht werken met kwetsbare jongeren. Ontwikkelwerk, erkenningswerk, verbindingswerk [Talent-based work with vulnerable young people. Working on development, recognition, and interconnectedness]. Uitgeverij Coutinho.
Abdallah, S., Day, M., Distelbrink, M., Pehlivan, T., Soeterik, I., & Volman, M. (2023). Literatuurstudie Agency Arrangeren: Speelruimte voor jongeren als changemakers [Literature review Arranging Agency. Creating space for young people as changemakers. Kenniscentrum Ongelijkheid. Retrieved from https://www.kenniscentrumongelijkheid.nl/wp-content/uploads/2023/04/Literatuurstudie-Agency-Arrangeren-DEF.pdf
Abdallah, S. & Volman, M. (2023). Speelruimte voor de veranderkracht van jongeren [Creating space for young people as changemakers]. Pedagogiek in praktijk. 29(133), 46-50. Geraadpleegd van https://pure.hva.nl/ws/files/42838365/PIP_133_Abdallah_en_Volman_Speelruimte_voor_de_veranderkracht_van_jongeren.pdf
Baillergeau, E., Duyvendak, J. W., & Abdallah, S. (2015). Heading towards a desirable future. Aspirations, commitments and the capability to aspire of young Europeans. Open Citizenship, 5(2), Academic essays section. Retrieved from Open Citizenship website: https://oc.citizensforeurope.org/ojs/aspirations-commitments-and-the-aspirational-capacity-of-young-europeans/
Research Portal University of Humanistic Studies
Sebastian is an independent trainer, coach and adviser in the fields of youth work, social work and education. He focuses on reappreciation of professionals, within and outside the team in question. He connects sociological analyses, local missions and individual passions. These ingredients and their connections help professionals to see their work in new ways and to bring more conscious direction, focus and quality.